In August, follow-up testing of paired-serum samples found a fourfold rise in neutralization antibody titer for H5N1, a test result which meets the WHO criteria for laboratory confirmation.
Test results, using two different assays, showed high antibody titer for H5N1 on consecutive serum samples taken on days 11 and 15 of his illness.
The serum of the immunized ducklings were collected and the antibody titer were measured by neutralizing test.
The experimental results show that this method can be carried out fast and convenient to calculation reliable test and titer and enhanced the efficiency and accuracy of the test greatly.
The double immunodiffusion test and ELISA were used to test the titer of the antiserum. The specificity of antibody was detected by SDS PAGE and ELIB (Enzyme linked immune blotting).
Hemagglutinin inhibition test was performed to detect titer of antiserum.
The D1 isolate of goose paramyxovirus caused 100% mortality of goose, duck and chicken embryos. Infected allantoic fluid could produce high titer of hemagglutinin test.
鹅副黏病毒d 1分离株能致死鹅胚、鸭胚和鸡胚,致死率达到100%,感染的尿囊液能产生较高的血凝效价。
Objective: To improve the clearity of bacterial inhibition ring is edge during the test of foscamet Sodium microorganism titer evaluation.
前言: 目的:提高磷甲酸钠微生物效价测定过程中抑菌圈边缘的清晰度。
Methods: The chicken embryo culture was used to observe the inhibition of MEPS on type A influenza virus by hemagglutination test in terms of hemagglutination titer.
The antibody titer and cross-reaction of fish serum were confirmed by ELISA test.
The titer of NDV was detected with hemagglutination test.
The titer of NDV was detected with hemagglutination test.