The export of labor can, to a certain extent, work to alleviate poverty.
In this way, reform of the system became the main way to alleviate poverty.
It will do little good to alleviate poverty if you can no longer harvest your crops or find drinkable water.
The handbook says forests “provide a tremendous source of natural capital that can be used to alleviate poverty.”
The nonlinear elasticity curve suggests that economic growth might still be an effective means to alleviate poverty of the poorest poor in China.
The UN International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) confirms the remarkable success of China's initiatives to alleviate poverty in recent years.
Security schemes to alleviate poverty must take into account that most of the older poor are women, of whom many have limited experience in the Labour force.
Indeed, the world will watch as to how this very vibrant economy will grow to even greater strength to benefit its poor and to alleviate poverty through the use of technology.
The world has no alternative to pursuing Sustainable Crop Production Intensification to meet the growing food and feed demand, to alleviate poverty and to protect its natural resources.
"Our work focuses on supporting communities to help them change their own lives and circumstances, to alleviate poverty and make significant social progress," the organization's website states.
Theoretical analyses and practices show that eco-tourism and tourism for ethnic customs can be a good alternative for the less-developed regions intending to alleviate poverty through tourism.
Maybe, as so many Americans seem to believe today, we can't afford the kinds of public programs that would genuinely alleviate poverty — though I would argue otherwise.
Why do voters not see that the welfare policies of the last hundred years have failed to alleviate "poverty" and that something different should be done?
We do this not only because of the tremendous market potential, but also to close the digital divide, promote information equity and help alleviate poverty through economic opportunity.
The rural basic medical system plays an importance role to lighten the farmer's financial burden and alleviate farmer's "sickness poor" and "poverty due to illness" problem.
This is a poorly directed benefit, as only 12% of recipients pay more than 10% of their income to heat their homes adequately (the "fuel poverty" which the transfer is meant to alleviate);
This may explain why some local regions take it as an important measure to alleviate the poverty by exporting rural labors outside.
The key objective of this policy is to help farmers who suffer from severe diseases, alleviate their financial burden, and prevent the poverty due to illness.
The key objective of this policy is to help farmers who suffer from severe diseases, alleviate their financial burden, and prevent the poverty due to illness.