You know you've arrived when you're asked to appear on TV.
You may be asked to appear on TV as a guest or to host a radio show.
Martyn Harris looks back on his experience of being trained to appear on TV.
As a result, the organizers must arrange the schedule of speakers to make sure that the ones who appear on TV are those who will sway the most voters.
She had wanted to write stories, cover the events of the day, and appear on TV.
Many years ago, I was all set to appear six times on a daytime-TV talk show.
She has been invited to to appear on various TV shows and was recently asked by Anhui Satellite TV station to be a guest host for a popular show.
It is morning, and 21-year-old Elly Jackson - or La Roux, arguably the biggest new pop star of the year - is on the Eurostar to Belgium, where she is heading to appear on a TV show.
The next morning he was scheduled to appear on an important TV program, Meet the Press.
To promote just how life-like images appear on the company's 82-inch 'Ultra HD' TV, LG created a fake office in which one of its screen was positioned to look like a window.
Somespecialists frequently appear in TV advertisements to endorse on certain products.
The casts of both popular US sitcoms are set to appear in a two-hour special entitled Must See TV: A Tribute to James Burrows, due to air on 21 February on NBC.
My interview will appear on Chelsea TV and Channel 5 TV in the UK on Thursday evening and he was honest polite and self-effacing to a fault.
My interview will appear on Chelsea TV and Channel 5 TV in the UK on Thursday evening and he was honest polite and self-effacing to a fault.