After discussion, who would like to ask for the floor?
"Market orders", which ask for a stock to be sold at the best available price without specifying a minimum-as opposed to "limit orders", which set a floor-are also coming under fire.
My roommate has been walking the floor for weeks trying to decide whether to ask his girl friend to marry him.
I swear if you come back in here again, and ask for grapes, I'll nail your webbed feet to the floor!
My roommate has been walking the floor for weeks trying to decide whether to ask his girlfriend to marry him.
My roommate has been walking the floor for weeks trying to decide whether to ask his girl friend to marry him. He loves her, but he's not sure he's ready to settle down and have a family.
My roommate has been walking the floor for weeks trying to decide whether to ask his girl friend to marry him.
My roommate has been walking the floor for weeks trying to decide whether to ask his girl friend to marry him.