But their effort to band together in the European Union is under strain.
We losing players have to band together and trade for our mutual betterment!
In Japan, however, three of the major newspapers have decided instead to band together.
They hate each other, but they all want the same thing, so they have to band together.
There will also be a handful of "world" encounters that will require the server to band together and overcome a great foe.
If you don't get any big opportunities handed to you, you may be able to band together with your co-workers and create some.
When nations breach agreed international norms, the countries who espouse those norms must be convinced to band together to enforce them.
Japanese astronomers plan to band together to observe one star in great detail because of hints that it could have an orbiting planet with life.
The room tidies up for a while, did Mr. Jin buy a lot of awards for me. "Being appropriate can but, still the darling returns to band together."
Small and vicious, many worry that if these beings were to band together in large numbers, they might easily overthrow some of the smaller cities in the region.
If you decide to band together with the Horde and defend those towns, you will have certain quests and quest items available to you that otherwise would not be.
For example, in a situation in which several bystanders need to band together to overwhelm a perpetrator, they will be more likely to act collectively than to act alone.
The highly efficient research and development work conducted on the worldwide Net are best suited for small and medium enterprises to band together and break the monopolies of the "giants".
Competition officials are usually wary of such Shared ventures but accept that it is more efficient for rival Banks to band together in one network in order to process payments and settle accounts.
Surgeon Geoffrey Horne placed a metal band around the knee cap to help it knit back together.
Acquisitions are thus only possible via "club" deals, in which several buyers band together and regulators police the arrangement to ensure they are not acting in concert thereafter.
Several musicians in Pride became her backing band, and together they went by the name she used for herself—Sade, pronounced “sha-DAY, ” to the consternation of radio d.j.s across the world.
I want to be in a band, but I don’t know how to put one together. Do you?
It's important to Queenslanders, like all Australians, that we see ourselves as people who look adversity in the eye, stare it down and band together to overcome it.
Which just goes to show that when the rednecks, hippies, misfits, gays and straights band together, Nashville not only changes, but the rest of the world does, too.
I’d say just ask everyone you know if they’d like to be in a band. Once you get people together, try really hard to be open – minded and work as a group.
Two tracks,”The Daily Planet” and “Andmoreagain,” were recorded in a single day, then the band took time off to get their act together again and practice the next batch of tunes.
在一天的时间内录制了两首歌曲“每日行星”(The Daily Planet)和“再来一些”(Andmoreagain),然后乐队暂停下来重新把事情安排的有条不紊并开始练习下一批曲子。
Yulia and Lena, the two teens from Moscow used to sing together in a kids-band called "Neposedi".
We band together to resist our enemy.
Parents and Librarians Band Together to Make Kids Lifelong Readers, ” November 6 during ALA’s American Association of School Librarians national conference in Charlotte, North Carolina.
家长和图书馆员一起努力,让孩子成为一生的读者”,这个活动是在11月6日在北卡州夏洛特(Charlotte North Carolina)的美洲学校图书馆员全国会议(AmericanAssociationof SchoolLibrarians national conference)上进行的。
"The guitar player asks, referring to a Tuareg band whose founders had trained together in Libyan military camps during the 1980s."
"The guitar player asks, referring to a Tuareg band whose founders had trained together in Libyan military camps during the 1980s."