When these test cases are executed the test results need to be analyzed to ensure that all actual results are within the acceptable range of values.
For example, object bounding boxes may first be tested to see if polygon based testing is necessary - or bounding box intersection may often be all that is needed to provide acceptable results.
However, others cautioned that a solution acceptable to all sides could yet be reached, although they admitted that time was fast running out. Coke declined to comment.
All valves are to be constructed and tested in accordance with a recognized standard, such as ANSI, MSS or other, acceptable to the Bureau.
So whatever he accepts in exchange for his fish can not be something acceptable only to the suit-seller. It must be something that is acceptable to all those other people, too.
God greatly desires our love. It is the nature of all love to long to be acceptable, and to meet with response.
Minor damages may be repaired provided finish items are equal in all respects to new work and acceptable to the Royal Commission, otherwise, remove and replace damaged items as directed.
Minor damages may be repaired provided finish items are equal in all respects to new work and acceptable to the Royal Commission, otherwise, remove and replace damaged items as directed.