Many species appear to remain unchanged in the fossil record for millions of years—a situation that seems to be at odds with Darwin's model of continuous change.
One challenge of the two roles is that they can appear to be at odds with each other.
I believe Abu Ala and Abu Mazen also would have agreed but didn't want to be at odds with Arafat.
DB2 proves here that good coding style and benchmarking don't have to be at odds with each other.
The bone of contention again will be money, but this time you seem to be at odds with a lover or one of your children.
Mourinho is said to be at odds with both chief executive Peter Kenyon and owner Roman Abramovich, though Kenyon has rubbished reports.
The duo were believed to be at odds with each other, but Mourinho says the pair have sorted out their problems ahead of the new season.
Mr Schultz's desire to return to Starbucks' roots would appear to be at odds with the company's stated goal of growing to 40,000 outlets worldwide.
Mr Schultz's desire to return to Starbucks' roots would appear to be at odds with the company's stated goal of growing to 40, 000 outlets worldwide.
Hariri notes that the findings at first glance seem to be at odds with work he and others have done that links particular genetic variants to amygdala activity in humans.
These days I only kick up a fuss if a film completely fails to be consistent with itself, or a "science thing" is just completely at odds with its own logic.
With companies looking to it departments for efficiency and productivity but strained by slim budgets, CFOs and chief information officers may be even more at odds than usual.
But he found himself at odds with his chief supporters-poor farmers, empowered by himself, whose land would be seized for the new car plant-and could not persuade them to accept compensation.
Without the awareness that we are supposed to be different, men and women are at odds with each other.
Without the awareness that we are supposed to be different, men and women are at odds with each other.
Resistance - Reality is frequently at odds with how the mind believes things ought to be.
With Mercury at odds with Neptune and Jupiter you'll be subjected to criticism for your ambitious attitude within an area you'd like to conquer.
Jenny: the thing I like most about them is that they did not play with a heavy heart even though at that time the odds seemed to be against them.
Mr Clarke promises to accept the party's Eurosceptic line, which is at odds with his own enthusiasm for the European Union, but that has yet to be tested.
Without the awareness that we are supposed to be different, men and women are 7 at odds with each other.
"To think that there won't be a spillover into other sectors doesn't line up with historic scrutiny," says Rosenberg, whose indicators put the odds of a recession this year at 60% to 100%.
“认为将不会有波及到其他行业,并不符合了历史性的审议过程中,”罗森伯格说,他们的指标,把赔率的经济衰退,今年,在60 %至100 %。
The thing I like most about them is that they did not play with a heavy heart even though at that time the odds seemed to be against them.
The thing I like most about them is that they did not play with a heavy heart even though at that time the odds seemed to be against them.