This allows P/S messages to be categorized into a hierarchy.
After this safety evaluation, safety classes for each slope project need to be categorized.
For a systems development method to be categorized as theoretical, it must conform to this definition.
If you want the book to be categorized, either by a bookseller or a library, it has to be assigned a unique numerical code, like an ISBN, for International Standard book Number.
On one hand, you want to belong because you feel lonely, so you seek out others who share certain similarities, but on the other, you don't want to be categorized and generalized.
Black CEOs categorized as having a babyface tend to be at the helm of more prestigious corporations than black CEOs who have a more mature appearance.
This behavior enhances the user experience because it makes it easy for the user to quickly and easily locate and update one or more values when many settings must be categorized.
The business processes that need to be automated through it must be categorized according to some priority criteria.
To avoid this issue, service policies should be defined such that all traffic categorized to a given service policy has similar typical response times.
To give you comfort in reading, I have categorized each tips based on the elements to be found on a home page.
Used to be that if you wanted to wrest usable information from a big mess of data, you needed two things: First, a meticulously maintained database, tagged and sorted and categorized.
Tests can be categorized according to the amount of code they exercise: a unit test verifies the functionality of a single software component, such as a function or a class.
If you fail to do so your work will be categorized as being plagiarized and you will not get credit.
Since we are dealing with highly confidential nature of information provided by the system, the key business problems related to message processing in this scenario can be categorized as follows.
The search result that you get from Lotus Quickr search service can be categorized and filtered according to document properties.
The manage phase can be categorized into at least four main areas that are more relevant to an SOA system.
CLPPlus provides several commands that you can use to specify the report format for an executed query. These commands can be broadly categorized into three categories.
There are numerous kinds of books and each one can be categorized according to its content.
The all important area of sound quality can be categorized as bright, vibrant, and just plain fun to listen to, with a tuneful deep bass.
I don't want to just be categorized as one of this era.
The judicial appraisal on construction engineering quality is categorized. Discussion about appraisal standards is made and problems to be concerned in appraisal process are provided in the paper.
According to information exchange style, WAN can be categorized into three models: direct information exchange, demand information exchange and website plate form information exchange.
To push forward the categorized management of inspection and quarantine. Credit services shall be offered to the enterprises, which have acquired the management qualifications of Categories I and II.
Motivation can be categorized in many different ways, according to the level of consciousness, it can be divided into two aspects: conscious motivation and unconscious motivation.
Each of these models allows some prototype effects to arise, enabling various objects to be classified or categorized in a systematic and reasonable way.
According to different aims of purchase, the health-product market of China can be categorized into two market segments, namely consuming market and gifting market.
News can be categorized into three types according to its timeliness and language style, namely hard news, intermediate news and soft news.
News can be categorized into three types according to its timeliness and language style, namely hard news, intermediate news and soft news.