Men who saw themselves as better looking than their wives were more likely to be disgruntled and have negative feelings about their marriage, experts found.
While some Arsenal fans are said to be disgruntled at the club signing yet another low-key player youth player, there are others who believe Arsene Wenger has uncovered another gem.
On the phone, in e-mail, in the largely anonymous comments section of a blog -- these are places where you generally vent your disapproval once and then slink away to be disgruntled alone.
Firms often pay off disgruntled accusers rather than go to court, since juries are unpredictable, damages can be steep and the publicity of a trial is always unwelcome.
Would that Novartis paid as much attention to Alcon's disgruntled minorities as Kraft appears to be to its most famous shareholder.
The dire state of the economy (see article) is the biggest issue on the minds of disgruntled voters in the run-up to the election expected to be held on May 6th.
Real disgruntled people, not just black face, there will be practical to set itself against the action.
Also standing in their way is Sam (Josh Groban), a disgruntled barista with delusions of grandeur-he wants to be a rock star-and Will "s heartache over unrequited love for Becca (Adrianne Palicki)."
Also standing in their way is Sam (Josh Groban), a disgruntled barista with delusions of grandeur-he wants to be a rock star-and Will "s heartache over unrequited love for Becca (Adrianne Palicki)."