He went to the seaside only to be drowned.
The girl went to the seaside only to be drowned.
He went to the seaside to swim only to be drowned.
Life droops toward its sunset to be drowned in the golden shadows.
But those voices deserve to be drowned out by applause for the bolt of imagination that has lit up Eriksson's list of names.
To prevent this from possibly occurring, Pharaoh ordered all the newly first-born Hebrew males to be drowned in the river Nile.
For the WDL to fulfil its potential, observers say it must not allow itself to be drowned out amid competition from other online cultural projects.
Each serious pale sickness, suffocates, the electric shock, to be drowned, smokes the flesh wound and so on to arise suddenly the accident is strictly it often the reason.
But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
He thought they must surely be drowned and turned his head to see.
Apparently paranormal events, which some scientists put down to unusual electrical activity, could be drowned out by the electronic noise produced by phone calls and text messages.
I was nearly drowned last night, but was fortunate enough to be saved.
If I do not save it, it must be drowned, the water in the nest, the parents understand that I did not want it to malicious bar.
You can still remember vividly those painful, undignified occasions when you tried to be a hero and drowned instead in a sea of ridicule.
That winter, his career has been almost drowned, as the loans could not be repaid within a limited time, they had to move out of the warmth and luxury villas.
A helicopter flying over slowly, after the pilot dropped a rope ladder shouting: "Father, fast up, this is the last chance, we do not want to see you can be drowned by the flood! ""
"This one is meant to be out of focus, " Miele says, gesturing to a strangely lovely gown that looked the way a rainbow might if it could be drowned.
It's hard to be excited if you are drowned in a routine, doing the same thing again and again.
This creature, spawned by Ur-Aazheel, the Overlord of Proliferation, is totally devoted to the ideal that Ashan must not be destroyed but drowned in chaotic forms of life.
This creature, spawned by Ur-Aazheel, the Overlord of Proliferation, is totally devoted to the ideal that Ashan must not be destroyed but drowned in chaotic forms of life.