I found a lot to be embarrassed about.
We wouldn't want you to be embarrassed.
Don't worry. It's nothing to be embarrassed about.
It is a great aim of prudence never to be embarrassed.
I got it so cheap I had to pay some extra not to be embarrassed.
Make sure she knows that periods are nothing to be embarrassed about.
I don't want to be embarrassed anymore, so I make it through my effort.
In the UK people just don't seem to be embarrassed about how much they drink.
Lawyers are likely to be busy and the insurance industry is likely to be embarrassed.
But when major G20 nations say they are willing to be embarrassed, they do not mean it.
但是,当g 20主要成员国表示它们愿意被难堪时,它们的话不能当真。
But it is not possible to be embarrassed unless there is, has been or will be an actual witness.
You may feel awkward honking or yelling, but it's better to be embarrassed than to get hit.
Nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm wearing something similar myself. Here. I'll show you.
' Now I don't want to embarrass him, and I don't want to be embarrassed myself. So let's take another road.
I blindly infatuated with talk, which allow them to be embarrassed, but also allow them to suffering and helpless.
Politely and assertively say "thank you" and resist the urge to be embarrassed or utter something that totally negates the thanks.
I used to be embarrassed to admit that I learned nearly everything I learned about grammar and logic outside of the college classroom.
On top of initiative, US and UK managers appreciate efficiency. No need to be embarrassed if you don't understand a set of instructions.
He looked at the six of them huddled together in front of him and he seemed to be embarrassed as if he couldn't think of anything to say.
"We were astonished," says Mats Ramstedt of Stockholm University. "in the UK people just don't seem to be embarrassed about how much they drink."
斯德哥尔摩大学的Mats Ramstedt表示:“我们感到十分吃惊,因为英国人似乎对他们的饮酒量毫无羞愧之感”。
You can say you're not pregnant and let the person (considering, of course, the person is decent enough to be embarrassed), or you may give a date a few years away.
No need to be embarrassed if you don't understand a set of instructions. Just ask for clarification using the above question, and get the work done right the first time.
In sixth grade your idea of a friend was the person who went up to your new crush, and asked them to dance with you, so that if they said no you wouldn't have to be embarrassed.
In sixth grade your idea of a friend was the person who went up to your new crush, and asked them to dance with you, so that if they said no you wouldn't have to be embarrassed.