Seventeen prisoners held on death row are to be executed after their pleas for clemency were turned down.
This event is created to make sure as the tasks defined in the agent should be executed successfully without checking for any condition whenever the agent is run.
For example, you would not want a process that updates a single file to be executed multiple times, because you would risk the file getting corrupted in the process.
No modification of this Guaranty shall be effective for any purpose unless it is in writing and executed by an officer of Buyer authorized to do so.
This provides a mechanism for developers to decompose problems into tasks that can then be executed in parallel across arbitrary Numbers of processor cores.
If a table is dropped, its segments become immediately available for reuse at the COMMIT point, without requiring the REORG utility to be executed.
The production department issues work orders for each of the tasks required to be executed to produce items in the large-variety category.
As code is to be executed, a translation occurs for a segment of code.
The enhancements in IDA and ODS provide the integration features for you to create jobs that can be executed using TDM (versions 6.5 or 7.1), which extends the user base of your TDM installation.
For the most part, all six steps can be executed in parallel leading to an almost six-fold improvement in performance.
Next, operations can be bound to events, and they are executed when such an event occurs. The two main use cases for operations are these.
CLPPlus provides several commands that you can use to specify the report format for an executed query. These commands can be broadly categorized into three categories.
The scope of a per-user variable is set to be visible in "all tests for this user," which makes it visible to all tests being executed by the same virtual user.
This flow may either be conditional or unconditional; that is, there may be rules that specify conditions that must be met in order for the next activity in the process to be executed.
The production department issues work orders for each of the tasks that must be executed to produce the required items.
Next, you set up global variables for the command to be executed, a buffer for response messages, and a hash that will contain the fields from the trigger message (Listing 4).
One answer would be the Admiral Byng solution, in memory of the sailor executed for incompetence; let a big bank go bust "to encourage the others".
One answer would be the Admiral Byng solution, in memory of the sailor executed for incompetence; let a big bank go bust “to encourage the others”.
If you want to make sure both conditions are true and they both have to be true for any code to be executed, use ampersand ampersand.
If an automated testing tool is to be used, some thought is given at this time as to whether this test case is a good candidate for automation or whether it should be executed manually.
Note that these steps are recommended to be executed only during server outages required for maintenance.
You need to add some structure, since you necessarily require the reply to follow the response — they cannot be executed out of turn, that wouldn't make sense for the process.
Specify the conditions, if any, that must be satisfied for the actions to be executed when a probe fires.
Only if a cached copy cannot be found or has expired is the YQL query executed, and the results again are saved to the cache for future use.
Clearly, if we are to implement a repeatable set of tests that can be executed automatically, then we must find a way to remove the need for human intervention.
This scenario fires a synthetic event for every event flow. The synthetic event then causes the 1 Simple Rule case to be executed.
If you want that one of these activities is run anyway, you can jump back to this activity and mark the other activities which need not to be executed again, for skip.
You can specify if a wrapper is to be executed in the fenced mode by setting the DB2_FENCED wrapper option to ?Y? (default setting for this option is ?N? for trusted).
您可以通过将 DB2_FENCED包装器选项设置成“Y”来指定是否以隔离模式执行包装器(该选项的默认设置是“N”,即受信任模式)。
You can specify if a wrapper is to be executed in the fenced mode by setting the DB2_FENCED wrapper option to ?Y? (default setting for this option is ?N? for trusted).
您可以通过将 DB2_FENCED包装器选项设置成“Y”来指定是否以隔离模式执行包装器(该选项的默认设置是“N”,即受信任模式)。