And CoTweet seems to be identified as "another acquisition target."
看来CoT weet似乎被确定为“又一个收购对象”了。
This allowed the host star to be identified as a red dwarf star located 19,000 light-years away.
We for our part are using our spacecraft to carry out displays that are sufficiently near to you to be identified as from off Earth.
If it is the latter one, his automatic drawing machine is largely likely to be identified as an alternative drawing tool and the extension of another kind of human hands.
After you register the wrapper libraries with the federated database, each data source must be identified to the system as a server.
As a convenience, I use the term "mechanism," as in the phrase "governance mechanism" to be all-inclusive of the components identified above.
When used routinely, RUNSTATS provides data about tables and indexes over a period of time, thereby allowing performance trends to be identified for your data model as it evolves over time.
As sensor data is analyzed and correlated, business events will be identified and business processes will need to be invoked.
All of these are quite specifically identified as to what you must be able to do in the design of this reactor.
This service model contains a set of identified, yet candidate, services to be further refined by the designer as a part of the Service Design activity.
Lack of knowledge of the different parts of the project was identified as something to be improved, and was selected for focus from all topics suggested by team members.
If you believe that someone wronged you, you have identified yourself as a victim, and you are allowing your happiness to be held hostage by someone else's behavior.
Those areas which are identified as opportunities for interoperability should be reviewed with greater scrutiny to determine if any changes are required to make interoperability easier.
The first assessment of the current environment can be time consuming as stakeholders and information is identified and gathered for the first to support the assessment and ask the questions.
The metadata integrity analysis as well as the domain analysis should be used to assess which source attributes fit with the identified target attributes.
Often, data access APIs such as JDBC and JPA provide only very generic information about the exception condition, and do not allow the specific cause to be effectively identified.
As more related variants are identified, it has become clear to researchers that the cause of schizophrenia will never be pinned on one or several genes or one physiological pathway.
And product that requires refurbishment or remanufacturing needs to be identified so as to maximize value recapture as quickly as possible.
As one researcher who did not want to be identified put it: "Michelle Dawson's first-hand experience is valuable."
That Marine, interviewed earlier this week by the news channel CNN and identified only as "Dan", said Wilfahrt had told him he wanted to be a soldier to protect someone with a family.
The 21-year-old pizza cook, who asked to be identified by his online nickname, makes his songs available only through private file-sharing networks known as darknets.
这位21岁的比萨饼厨师要求只披露他的网名。 他的歌曲只能通过一些所谓“地下网络”的私人文件共享网络获得。
The deal may be announced as soon as today, said the person, who declined to be identified because the discussions are private.
In such cases, one source must be clearly identified as the master, there must be a robust process to keep the copies in step, and copies must not be modified.
They were at first assumed to be drug traffickers, but were subsequently identified as migrants trying to reach the United States.
Some people, after listening to Wen’s reason, show mercy to him. Some law workers even cast doubt on whether Wen should be identified as murderer.
Some people, after listening to Wen’s reason, show mercy to him. Some law workers even cast doubt on whether Wen should be identified as murderer.