Barnard's Loop is too faint to be identified with the unaided eye.
Now let's put away this urge to be identified with a person or an idea or a thing.
He did not want to be identified with a negotiating program that might conflict with this.
They could see what was happening and they were strong enough not to be identified with the collective.
My users authenticate with one userid but I want them to be identified with another ID from LDAP. Is that possible?
我的用户们通过一个userid 进行身份验证,我想从LDAP 上使用另一个ID鉴定它们,这可行吗?
To be identified with your mind is to be trapped in time, the compulsion to live almost exclusively through memory and anticipation.
Multiple sponsorship gives two or more advertisers the opportunity to be identified with a particular program while sharing the cost.
Cry is a "weakness" characteristic of the female, and no American male wants to be identified with any-thing in the least weak or feminine.
After you register the wrapper libraries with the federated database, each data source must be identified to the system as a server.
There are many authentication mechanisms and methods of integration with them, so a flexible mechanism for allowing a user to be identified is essential.
The metadata integrity analysis as well as the domain analysis should be used to assess which source attributes fit with the identified target attributes.
The researchers noted that cognitive issues identified during the prospective study appear to be associated with hypoxia rather than with the quality and duration of sleep.
Those areas which are identified as opportunities for interoperability should be reviewed with greater scrutiny to determine if any changes are required to make interoperability easier.
With DSLs, it's valid to question how many domains should be identified.
With the potential arguments identified and extracted, all you need to do is build the new options to supply to the command that will ultimately be used.
Converted to structure, each of these components is identified, along with any special information that might be needed to drive the publishing process or control formatting.
The objective is to be able to design a product that covers all or part of the modeled business process, and helps the intended Users achieve their identified goals with the best possible experience.
Business domains are filled with variations that need to be identified and managed across your codebase.
For example, an XML Gateway might ensure that data going up to a cloud computing provider is de-identified so private information cannot be associated with the data.
That Marine, interviewed earlier this week by the news channel CNN and identified only as "Dan", said Wilfahrt had told him he wanted to be a soldier to protect someone with a family.
He suspected this might be the same group identified with the graphic Wang Jue video where she killed a cat with her high heels. He decided to join up and find out what was going on.
An early study of 40 volunteers who were asked to answer truthfully to questions and then to lie found that liars could be identified with 70 per cent accuracy.
The elderly lady with whom Zhang talked on a recent visit, and whom he asked to be identified only as "Granny Fu," initially said she did not want to talk about the earthquake.
Conceptually and logically, your choice about which action to take should be aligned with the commitments you have identified at the highest levels and cascade from there down the hierarchy.
They may not be useful for anything other than trending, and they are quite difficult to correlate with any causal effects that can't be identified through other means.
They may not be useful for anything other than trending, and they are quite difficult to correlate with any causal effects that can't be identified through other means.