A rotary engine attached to the steam engine enabled shafts to be turned and machines to be driven, resulting in mills using steam power to spin and weave cotton.
As for the Spaniard, he drove a truly fantastic race, demonstrating not only his skill in going from last to fourth, after his first lap spin, but also the fact that he knows how to be a team player.
Likewise, it can be advantageous for job hunters to engage in a little spin-doctoring to show recruiters they're confident in their ability to handle a position, say career experts.
Electron spin is a fundamental property, in addition to basic electrical charge, that can be used in electronic circuits.
Every particle in the universe has a property called "spin", which can be loosely thought of as what happens to the particle when it is rotated.
Private-equity firms are said to be interested in swallowing all or part of Yahoo! and there has been speculation that the company could spin off its lucrative Asian operations into a separate entity.
Private-equity firms are said to be interested in swallowing all or part of Yahoo! and there has been speculation that the company could spin off its lucrative Asian operations into a separate entity.