We turn out not to be in decline after all: we are still the superpower the rest of the world envies and fears.
The outbreak appears to be in decline in Koulikoro and Segou regions but is still not under control in Mopti region.
In times when duty and politeness seem to be in decline, receivers are capable of being grateful to - and grateful for - people who are dutiful.
Sad to say, the moral decline of the younger generations may be a rather explosive situation in our modern society.
Critics say that the new system may be more economic but will lead to a decline in programme quality.
I suspect that some experts in the field will be keen to address alternative explanations, such as unassessed variables playing a role in the wellbeing decline.
I suspect that some experts in the field will be keen to address alternative explanations, such as unassessed variables playing a role in the well-being decline.
Moral decline will not be reversed until people find ways to counter the materialism in society, she says.
Home cooking seems to be in decline as more and more people tend to order their food on apps.
Overall "we estimated the decline in this pig-nosed turtle population to be more than 50% since 1981," said Professor Eisemberg.
If so, the gloomy predictions of absolute American decline will turn out to be as misleading as similar predictions in decades past.
This will be the only way to slow down the decline of the dollar, and sustain our influence in global affairs.
In a given area, the worst will usually be over in four to six weeks as the virus rushes through a susceptible population, cases peak and infections decline with equal speed.
Ireland's consumers won't likely be able to offset any potential decline in exports.
Being able (or not being able) to recall such facts clearly are indicative of this fact, but in some cases it could be due to a decline in our overall brain function.
Countries in the region could be further affected if remittances decline as expected, according to World Bank research.
Her deepest hope is that by insisting upon perfection from her children in all things, like violin playing, she will be able to achieve, in her words, control: "Over generational decline."
They hope this could be used to develop a drug treatment to slow the normal decline in memory associated with aging or even improve memory in the already very old.
Writing in the journal Nature, scientists say the decline appears to be linked to rising water temperatures.
No court has yet ruled in this case in light of the new facts, and we decline to be the first to do so.
But with it went an apparent decline in another aspect of mobility: more people seem to be marrying within their education and income bracket, especially at the top.
If the planet continues to warm in line with projections of computer models of climate, the overall decline in phytoplankton might be expected to continue.
All new technologies tend to be costly when they first become available in small quantities, then their costs decline as production volumes increase and the technologies mature.
The sharpest increase in shipments is from America to Europe and Asia, but this will not be enough to offset the decline in traffic from China.
There is a genuine concern that if indeed there were to be a serious decline in the various pollinators, it could have implications for agriculture, no question.
There is a genuine concern that if indeed there were to be a serious decline in the various pollinators, it could have implications for agriculture, no question.