The trade imbalance is likely to rise again in 2007. Hence a new set of policy actions will be required soon.
The first station is expected to be installed off Lynmouth in Devon shortly to test the technology in a venture jointly funded by the Department of Trade and Industry and the European Union.
China will now be a full partner in the global trading system, and will have the right and responsibility to fashion and enforce the rules of open trade.
"The women and men who now have to be in unsafe situations such as jumping in cars before they're seen, sneaking into dark allies to apply the trade, would have safe places to be, " she said.
Because any activity which is open to international trade is basically going to be uncompetitive in a post-conflict situation.
That value can be used as a trade-in; or the vehicle can be sold privately to help raise money to pay for a new one — or for some other need.
Prosecutors have requested that part of Sergey Aleynikov's trial be held in camera to protect Goldman's trade secrets.
But, happily for Dan Brown fans, the book trade does not have a single voice in charge and it would be illegal to appoint one.
For example, suppose that every stock trade that was attempted had to be recorded in an audit database.
To be sure, China is no angel in international trade matters.
In our sample table, values in the COMMENT column (a relational column) can be used to isolate the type of trade recorded in the DOCUMENT column (an XML column).
In your private household, you would surely prefer to pay less for more rather than the other way around, yet that would be termed an "unfavorable balance of payments" in foreign trade.
But such strategies work only as long as there is someone willing to take the other side of the trade. In chaotic conditions, there may be sellers but no buyers.
It may never be easier to reduce farm subsidies, one of the most delicate issues in trade talks.
Wherever you trade, it is going to be really important to have people who understand how business is done in Asia and the Middle East.
The only requirement is that the same number of contracts must be entered and exited in order for the trade to be completely exited and completed.
She grows enough, in fact, to be able to trade some with other mothers who grow spinach and the aromatic herbs which Colombians use to make tea.
They got this little, small apartment, and I got this million-dollar home. I laughed at the trade, but they were happy to be near their daughter in Manhattan, so it worked out fine.
With the World Expo, I hope Shanghai will continue to be a leading city in China and an international economic, financial, trade and shipping center.
But towards the beginning of the 20th century, some people decided that it wasn't enough-to be shipped to warmer climes in the burgeoning global trade, cheese needed a still longer shelf life.
While the trend to go completely digital might be growing, however, there is still a roaring trade in traditional CARDS. But even those are now getting a number of hi-tech overhauls.
Were the yen ever to rise sharply (making the trade unprofitable), there could be hell to pay in the markets.
Should the update to the ACCT table fail, there would be no mechanism to roll back the insert to the TRADE table, resulting in inconsistent data in the database.
Why would a Brazilian exporter to China choose to be paid in renminbi, when the dollar is so much easier to trade and hedge against?
Why would a Brazilian exporter to China choose to be paid in renminbi, when the dollar is so much easier to trade and hedge against?