Component and function names and their associated Numbers are listed in several internal header files, which you will not be able to see.
Server ID (this also does not need to be listed in the Security tab)
服务器ID(这也不需要在Security 选项卡中列出)
Not every wrapper may be able to collect all the statistics listed above, because a correct mapping between the data source statistic and its counterpart on the federated system may not exist.
The number of jobs is hard to quantify because the same position may be listed multiple times (particularly by recruiters) or it may not be listed in the same places.
If a user is listed in a deny access list or is not listed in an allowed access list, then the user cannot be granted access to the server.
For primary and unique keys, only the not null columns are listed and can be selected to define these keys.
Even if it is not listed for sale at a local wine shop, you might be able to have it delivered from a faraway store.
Its rank-ordering of senses is certainly not intended to be legally dispositive, so that the first sense listed can be used by judges across the ocean to enforce contracts or put people in prison.
It will generate new commands that you need to run, and the UIDs and GIDs that were already fixed previously will not be listed in the output again.
Note also that class loaders are listed under their class name; if there are two instances of a class loader, it may not be possible to distinguish between them.
There does not seem to be a way, according to the documentation, to obtain the formula listed in a particular cell.
The number of characters listed in these two groups does not have to be equal.
In this case, the listed.announce file does not contain anything helpful, but easy_install is happy to keep looking at the other listed URL as well, which proves to be a download directory.
在这种情况中,所列出的.AN NOUNCE文件没有包含任何有帮助的内容,不过easy_install还会继续查看另一个所列的URL,这会证明它是一个下载目录。
The file pointing to the cache manifest (sample.html in this example) does not need to be listed.
Logon accounts which are not listed in this Parameter Map will be assigned to a default value of "non-HR".
这个ParameterMap中没有列示的登录帐户将被分配一个默认值“non - HR”。
Other brake disc types not listed may only be balanced after a design review and design adaptations, if required. It is recommended to consult the manufacturer in this case.
TMZ have reported that these personal messages were not intended to be Shared with the public, however the items are to be listed for auction on December 17.
The catalog will not contain all code from OpenNTF. For samples to be listed in the OpenNTF catalog they must.
For primary and unique keys, only the "not null" columns are listed and can be selected to define these keys. To ease the process of defining foreign keys, the following are provided.
The chair should see that the meeting does not get off-topic so that all items listed on the agenda will be discussed at the meeting to achieve its original purpose.
Do you want this link to be listed on your site or not?
All taxable items must be listed. Otherwise, what are not found on the declaration form may subject to heavy fines.
Shares issued prior to the public issue by a company shall not be transferred within one year from the date the shares of the company are listed and traded at stock exchanges.
In addition to that, all the sample passwords listed in this article are now known, and should not be used by anyone.
It's not possible to detail the commands listed in this chapter, at least in a way that can be understood by newcomers to Linux and other Unix-based operating systems.
Listed products are intended for laboratory research use only, and not to be used for drug, food or human.
This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed.
This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed.