This is our latest product. When is it going to be on the market? It will be out next month. Could I have this sample free of charge?
In a 11-page document dated Sept 22, Janet Woodcock MD, director for the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, explains why she decided to allow Avandia to continue to be on the market.
As the market opens up, I think people are going to be able to spend more money on consumer goods.
It would be unrealistic to suggest that illegal digging would stop if artifacts were sold on the open market.
The organisation also maintains that the ISS should be used to develop products with commercial application and to test those that are either close to or already on the market.
In a market where there appears to be a surplus, the common mistake is to tack on too many unnecessary requirements.
While there might not be any plans to see this on the market just yet, it's an interesting concept, and one that makes saving the planet fun, if possibly a little frustrating.
Every investor, whether a novice or very experienced, will be able to win on the stock market with these rules.
Over the medium term the need for IT specialists is to be satisfied on the domestic Labour market.
The product owner identifies the features that are required in the product for it to be successful on the market and meet customer needs.
The technology you transfer to us should enable the venture’s products to be competitive on the international market.
Loans do not have to be sold to cash in on their rising value: marking the assets to their market value has the same beneficial effect on profits and on managers' pay.
They want to balance the desire to be on the front edge of access to the Indian market, with the collateral impact of compromising user security.
If the market cannot be trusted to ease up on property when it overheats, that leaves policymakers.
And if we tell someone we're going to fix it instead of rushing out to buy the newest, hottest thing on the market, we fear that we will be met with disdain.
But the good news is that GM's American business seems to be on the mend-and it is on top in China, the world's most promising car market.
But Roubini said there could still be worse to come - and added that Banks' heavy losses on home mortgages are likely to be repeated in the sliding market for business premises.
It is hard to put a price on their intrinsic value, but the market appears to be trying.
Production of carbon dioxide, the main heat-trapping gas, is proportional to fuel use, and the Smart claims to be the highest-mileage car powered by gasoline on the American market.
Mercedes claims the new diesel engines it intends to put on the American market will also be 20-40% more economical than their petrol equivalents.
梅赛德斯称这种新柴油机车即将投放美国市场,其燃油经济性要比同价位的汽油机车要高20- 40%。
According to Technology Review magazine, the phone could be on the market in three to five years.
That's why the launch of the company's latest phone will be crucial: the Nokia N900, which goes on sale this month, is set to be the most powerful mobile phone on the market - a true pocket computer.
Still, the CRR estimates that to return funding levels to those of 2007 by 2010, the rate of return on market assets would have to be 52% each year.
NIA is very pleased that for the first time in many years, silver prices appear to be trading based on free market forces and not the manipulation of JP Morgan.
He argued that acquisitions tended to be pro-cyclical and relied on the strength of the equity market.
South Korea appears to be on the vanguard of the emerging market economies in this regard.
So far, the effort seems to be paying off - the interest rate on loans to Madrid is 5.2%, which indicates that the market judges its creditworthiness to be somewhere between Berlin and Lisbon.
If these are successful, the device could be on the market in three to five years.
If these are successful, the device could be on the market in three to five years.