What she said proves to be true of my blended family.
Dear Carole, I am attracted to women with blonde hair. This seems to be true of a lot of men.
So I'm wondering, does that just happen to be true of people who went to school here, or are women generally scarce at, or near, the top of this profession?
We have been accused of exaggerating before, but unfortunately all our reports proved to be true.
The true cost of these experiments to the environment will not be known for years to come.
Our results should be a good approximation to the true state of affairs.
Against our better judgment, we buy the products of manufacturers whose claims seem too good to be true.
So the common sense picture of reality, that the world is really the way it looks to us, Descartes shows that we cannot just assume this to be true beyond all doubt.
The key is to be true to reality, which is also one of the main themes in the course.
People enjoyed the book, but many of them thought that Marcos stories about China were too fantastic to be true.
Socially, it may be a good tactic to hide our true emotions, but morally it is also a breach of faith and trust.
Which of the following, if true, would be additional evidence to suggest that hummingbirds are attracted to the red flowers and hawkmoths to the white flowers of the scarlet gilia?
What is in question is not the retrieval of an absolute, fixed or "true" meaning that can be read off and checked for accuracy, or some timeless relation of the text to the world.
Although people enjoyed reading the book, many of them thought that Marco's stories about China were too fantastic to be true.
This is especially true of editors, who by nature tend to be eager and engaged participants in everything they do.
By studying photographs, true artists, he claimed, would be relieved of menial tasks and become free to devote themselves to the more important spiritual aspects of their work.
While many of these statements might be true, they are practically impossible to prove scientifically.
The image of a man being slurped on a moving toboggan by a pesky dog is too cartoonishly good to be true.
When people today are shown a very ordinary Roman pot and, in particular, are allowed to handle it, they often comment on how modern it looks and feels, and they need to be convinced of its true age.
The secret of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.
This, he thought, could not be true, because the "Origin of Species" is one long argument from the beginning to the end, and has convinced many able men.
Most of us would like that to be true.
We've found many of the promised benefits to be true, although defining the contents of a use case is not a trivial task.
If the conditions of the theorems are shown to be true, then we can use the theorem to establish the truth of the theorem's result for our program.
Can you see how that has to be true? It's a law of logic, this one.
While this news is definitely not too good to be true, there are, of course, a couple of caveats.
China sticks to principles and upholds justice in international affairs, and has proven, through actual deeds, to be a true friend of Algeria and other African countries.
China sticks to principles and upholds justice in international affairs, and has proven, through actual deeds, to be a true friend of Algeria and other African countries.