It's usually on the wall. But it seems to be under the table in this room.
B: it's usually on the wall. But it seems to be under the table in this room.
Would it not be a paying investment to put stamps on the huge pile of manuscripts under the table and start them on their travels again?
This design is not desirable, and must be refined to ensure that the size of the archive table is kept under control.
Seeing their sadness, I made up my mind to be a doctor in the future under the table.
Waste baskets or any other items that set on the floor should be kept under a table or desk, in a corner or other out-of-the-way places to minimize tripping hazards.
It is not fastened to the machine on which it is used and may be moved around on the table of the drilling machine to bring each bushing directly under the drill.
These new Americans will be future taxpayers who will contribute much more as college graduates than they would as struggling workers moving from one under-the-table job to another.
We do have itinerary table, we will in accordance with the above itinerary to follow, but under specific circumstances, some may visit before and after adjustment, but will not be reduced.
Also he owed numerous debts. Would it not be a paying investment to put stamps on the huge pile of manuscripts under the table and start them on their travels again?
When face milling is performed, the table can be moved longitudinally to feed the workpiece under or below the cutter.
I run a restaurant and I get a lot of young people asking me for part-time waitering jobs, and they all want to be paid UNDER THE TABLE, you know, cash.
I run a restaurant and I get a lot of young people asking me for part-time waitering jobs, and they all want to be paid UNDER THE TABLE, you know, cash.