Then, at about 4 a.m. local time, the Internet was out again, going on and off line sporadically until appearing to be up for good late Sunday night.
You could be disqualified from driving for up to three years.
It will be put up for sale under the terms already communicated to you, which, to recapitulate, call for a very minimum of publicity.
They stood up for what they believed to be right.
You cannot live your children's lives for them; you can only be there to pick up the pieces when things go wrong.
Users will be able to use their handhelds to look up timetables on the net, search for a local hotel, and check their bank accounts.
A neighbour asked for the music to be turned down and the party broke up.
There should be someone to whom you can turn for any advice or to clear up any problems.
A bonus of up to five percent can be added to a student's final exam score as a reward for good spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
He deserves to be locked up for ever for what he did.
For a company in this situation, keeping up to date with the latest technology, even if it's only for the benefit of key staff, this can be hugely expensive.
How it ends up in the long run for the Dutch is that the Dutch cease to be a great power.
I usually get up very early to take the subway in order not to be late for school.
As operating licenses come up for renewal, dam removal and habitat restoration to original stream flows will be among the options considered.
Shortlists for job interviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference speakers and attendees: all tend to be drawn up alphabetically.
Shortlists for job interviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference speakers and attendees: all tend to be drawn up alphabetically.
With International Museum Day coming up, today we are asking readers: Should museums be free or should people have to pay for a ticket?
Sign up for management classes, so you'll be ready to join the family business when you graduate.
In fact, usually the system blocks anyone trying to sign up for a class they shouldn't be taking, who hasn't taken the courses you are required to do first as prerequisites.
Huck closed up and shortened his distance, now, for they would never be able to see him.
It may take time for her to be able to forgive you, but that's up to her.
Our calls would often get mixed up and someone asking for Kristen would be transferred to Christie.
As for me, I did not want to give up my football shirts. However, to be honest, I have not played football for a while.
Thanks to slowing population growth, land currently ploughed up for crops might be able to revert to forest or wilderness.
Instead, I grew up believing that I was supposed to be totally independent and consequently became very reluctant to ask for help.
And instead, I grew up believing that I was supposed to be totally independent and consequently became very reluctant to ask for help.
When asked which activity would be the most difficult to give up for a week, 48% said listening to music.
For example, only one boy said he would like to be president when he grows up.
There do not appear to be large numbers of young people who are trying, for example, to have their dear old mother locked up in a mental hospital.
Google will be able to display up to 20% of orphan works for free, include them in its subscription deals to libraries and sell them to individual buyers under the consumer licence.