I'm going to be victorious in my life.
The right party are certain to be victorious.
In these hard times, Iraqis need to be victorious, especially in sports.
You cannot expect to be victorious, if the day begins only in your own strength.
Having the right ships performing the right tasks is critical for those who wish to be victorious.
Suppose you wanted to be victorious at the Olympic Games. That's fine, but fully consider what you are getting yourself into.
In the face of difficulties and setbacks, don't flinch, don't be afraid, be brave to overcome hardship, overcome setbacks, insist to be victorious.
Like millions of other spectators I expected Brazil to be victorious, but the French had other ideas espesially Zidane who rolled back the years and played the football that had us amazed us.
If the confrontation has crystallized in this latest battle, it may already be heading toward a predictable conclusion: In the long run, the tech companies are destined to emerge victorious.
It was used on armor to help warriors be victorious in battle.
But if the confrontation has crystallized in this latest battle, it may already be heading toward a predictable conclusion: in the long run, the tech companies are destined to emerge victorious.
To surmount opposition; be victorious.
Miserable and beautiful story, the pure noble swan related never change faithful emotion toward us, so the magnificent and victorious love lets the mankind be not equal to from the.
We will be victorious if we have not forgotten to learn.
We're going to be the victors, that are strong and victorious .
As you effort you shall be effectively programming yourself to live in that awareness that you are a light and that light is all powerful, unquenchable and victorious in all things.
I still take it for granted that every time a Chelsea team puts on their shirts to play football they will be victorious.
Test your reflexes to see if you have what it takes to be the victorious prince in this racing game.
Life life juniority of time I return so of look forward to but now then of I be being not so magnificent and victorious either. sad laughably as well or wretchedness!
Who will be victorious is up to you. Each race will be driven relay-style by teams of three drivers and three co-drivers, so dont forget to pit for a change of drivers!
To even be slightly victorious, economically speaking, is quite an accomplishment in such a huge city.
But these instructions are supposed to be inferior, simply because Borodino was the first battle in which Napoleon was not victorious.
Something has to give, and quality standards will be victorious in the end.
Mikko Hirvonen was victorious when the WRC last visited Greece and the Ford Abu Dhabi World Rally Team ace will be desperate to repeat that success next week in his efforts to check Loeb's charge.
Please uphold me with your victorious right hand to be sturdy in hard times, and prudent in happy days.
Notwithstanding the abasement of David, he yet returned in triumph to his city, and David's Lord arose victorious from the grave; let us then be of good courage, for we also shall win the day.
Notwithstanding the abasement of David, he yet returned in triumph to his city, and David's Lord arose victorious from the grave; let us then be of good courage, for we also shall win the day.