Try not to lend or borrow money this week.
Unfortunately, suppliers would need to borrow money to finance mergers or acquisitions, and no one will lend right now to an industry whose future is in such doubt.
Try not to lend or borrow money or belongings this week.
Try not to lend or borrow money this week.
This is not the time to lend or borrow money or possessions.
Peer-to-peer sites are structured on a similar model in which peers lend to strangers, or borrow money, at a set interest rate.
P 2 P网站与此类似,在整个模式中人们以固定的利率借钱给陌生人,或者从他们那里借来钱。
Peer-to-peer sites are structured on a similar model in which peers lend to strangers, or borrow money, at a set interest rate.
P 2 P网站与此类似,在整个模式中人们以固定的利率借钱给陌生人,或者从他们那里借来钱。