Within a few years the pipes began to clog up.
Within a few years the pipe began to clog up.
You don't need mine to clog up the arteries in your brain.
Diets that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol tend to clog up our arteries, reducing the blood flow to our hearts and brains.
But they also seem to inhibit the development of the fatty plaques that can clog up blood vessels and cause strokes.
One nasty thought is that the Internet will clog up, unable to cope with the increased traffic of a wired world.
Prior to TOC, manufacturers would clog up their factories and warehouses with excess part inventory to bring the unit cost of parts (and therefore finished goods) down.
Will the Internet clog up and turn to molasses soon?
Premature crystallization would clog up their silk glands, which would likely prove fatal to the little creatures.
Wall Street's troubles came as a freeze-up in credit markets threatened to clog the global financial system.
Consider the fate of Dodgeball, an innovative mobile service that was a predecessor to Twitter, Jaiku, and the many "location-aware" apps that now clog up the iPhone.
Experts also recommend keeping an eye on the amount of shampoo and conditioner you're using because over conditioning can clog up pores on the scalp, leading to greasy hair.
If you're like me, you're always on the go and never have time to wade through all the emails that clog up your inbox.
Don't clog up your hand with all CARDS to play.
They can clog up drains, leading to flooding, while causing illness or injury to animals that either ingest them or get tangled up in them.
So now, as cities throughout the country sprout new skyscrapers and roads clog up with luxury cars, it's relatively easy for women to envision themselves as a key part of that picture of prosperity.
Volcanic ash can clog up and damage jet engines while the tiny particles of glass in the ash can also melt and block the ventilation holes which can cause the engines to overheat and stop working.
Volcanic ash can clog up and damage jet engines while the tiny particles of glass in the ash can also melt and block the ventilation holes which can cause the engines to overheat and stop working.