Try to conjure up a picture of life in ancient Egypt.
Try to conjure up a picture of life in ancient Greece.
The term "shadow banking" is often used to conjure up this dark world.
It is a change of such magnitude that it is hard to conjure up a useful analogy.
How am I expected to conjure up a meal for six of his friends with almost nothing in the fridge?
Neymar is expected to conjure up the magic, but they're relying on Fred to come up with the goals.
The poems combined with the pictorial designs to conjure up for me a dream picture of the Ireland of old.
To conjure up a conscience in others is tempting to anyone who wishes to extend his control beyond the legal limits.
Each have more than enough oomph to conjure up the higgs-at least if it looks anything like theory suggests it should.
Solution: "It's time to conjure up a brand new model for career advancement, one involving leaps rather than steps. ""
The Arsenal manager argues that, although Inter are the more experienced side, in a tight Final the ability to conjure up a goal will be crucial.
To be sure, in the boardrooms of western companies, "middle class" tends to conjure up unrealistic images of American suburban life and consumption patterns.
First let me tell you that this information is not teaching you how to Conjure up a Spirit... it is simply shedding some light on one of the tools used in the Art.
So far the only other big country to conjure up sums on this scale is China (and its huge stimulus keeps on having to be revised downward as the figures are checked).
"Topological optimisation", as the process is known, uses complex algorithms to conjure up a shape that best satisfies a set of structural constraints: it fits into a prescribed space;
It is easy when you live in the West to take brands - their power, their ability to conjure up feelings of status among consumers, the loyalty they can generate - completely for granted.
As well as being the most common name in Italy, Paolo Rossi is also one of the most famous Italian names in the world of sport, never failing to conjure up magical images of the summer of 1982.
Even though the written word C-A-T looks nothing like a cat, and the spoken word "cat" sounds nothing like a cat sounds, when someone says the word out loud, you're able to conjure up an image.
The mere mention of the words "heart failure" can conjure up, to the layman, the prospect of imminent death.
What different sensations those words conjure up to each of us.
The smell of newly mowed hay will conjure up different emotions in someone who spent idyllic childhood summers in the country and someone who was forced to work long hours on a farm.
For many women, thoughts of intimacy conjure up images of talking heart-to-heart... walking side-by-side (not with you walking in front of her)... holding hands.
For many women, thoughts of intimacy conjure up images of talking heart-to-heart... walking side-by-side (not with you walking in front of her)... holding hands.