In men, by contrast, good looks appear to count for little, with handsome men being no more successful than others in terms of Numbers of children.
He didn't know exactly how much he had, so he took on a little girl to count all his money for him.
Good golfers do better if they give themselves little time to prepare for their shots — and even better if they are distracted by researchers asking them to count irregularly spaced sounds.
Genes count for little by comparison: being a genetic Leonardo was not enough to compensate for having been born near Milan instead of Florence.
Let me tell you-now that she has done the first two things, I am waiting every day for her to fulfill her promise, and I count it as my good fortune to have little suspense left in my life.
Another rule, actually in effect for 18 months now, allows papers to count as paid, copies for which someone has paid as little as a penny.
The weight of geophone is assumed to be too little to take into count for seismic data acquisition traditionally.
And next day, though Count Ilya Andreitch had not quite yielded, he went to inquire if a commission could be obtained for Petya somewhere where there would be little danger.
I started to write a little program with Python to count the frequency statistics for each single word.
I started to write a little program with Python to count the frequency statistics for each single word.