Then, a nurse came by, only to cringe and shun my helplessness.
No one wants to have to cringe when they tell people where they work.
No one wants to have to cringe when they tell people where they work .
I always used to cringe when Crain's would do the list of "Chicago's most powerful."
On the one hand, I had been raised to cringe at the very thought of poofy white dresses and bouquets.
From irritating can't do phrases to cringe management speak, here are the things you should stop saying in your workplace.
It is easy now to cringe at the didacticism of "Gentleman's Agreement," in which Gregory Peck pretends to be a Jew (and is actually believed to be one) to expose and denounce anti-Semitism.
How the word made the leap from "someone who makes you want to cuddle" to "someone who makes you cringe" isn't really known but there are a few enticing clues.
The congressman humiliated himself and his family; the messages he sent to the women were undoubtedly cringe-worthy; and what's left of his reputation lies in tatters.
People will cringe to listen to it, but when they think about it, it's remarkable how accurate it can be.
Yes, I said contract. That word that makes you cringe at the thought of mentioning it to another person.
At first glance, these words may be enough to make a project manager cringe.
There are men who cringe at the near mention of a public urinal, while many women refuse to use public restrooms for anything aside from washing their hands.
People say I was the greatest ever to play to the game. I cringe a little bit.
The trick, in any case, is to deflate the cringe-y task by replacing it with a more active, manageable, and unintimidating one that drains the situation of the power to control you.
The design of the contact lens can be traced back to Leonardo da Vinci who, with a bowl of water, kicked off the whole cringe-worthy history.
I suppose I sometimes used to act like I wasn't a human being... sometimes I look back at myself and remember things I used to say, or my hairstyle, and I cringe.
When Germany's Lena Meyer-Landrut takes to the Eurovision stage on May 29th to sing "Satellite" in English, purists will cringe.
The thought of a bad memory in a good place may make your cringe but it is also a second chance to change how you feel.
Another former executive recalls what happened to anyone with the temerity to suggest doing more research. "Everybody would cringe and say: 'you're new, aren't you?"'
Most of us can't bear the sound of nails on a chalkboard, but now, researchers have a possible explanation as to why the sound makes us cringe and cover our ears.
And to put it in a way that would make the noncompetitive Finns cringe, they kicked major but.
English sports fans sometimes cringe when they hear commentary on US sports. In the US, commentators tend to shout more, and be more dramatic with their statements.
How it made the leap from someone who makes you want to cuddle to someone who makes you cringe isn't really known but there are a few enticing clues.
The word " cringe" is often used to describe the feeling of intense embarrassment in witnessing a certain kind of British comedy.
The word " cringe" is often used to describe the feeling of intense embarrassment in witnessing a certain kind of British comedy.