Things are changing but the process is glacial. India is a complex society that reveres goddesses and yet seems to discriminate against living women in equal measure.
It is illegal to discriminate against HIV carriers, but to emphasise the point Berbatov and Carrick take part in a game where each teenager has a sticker placed on their forehead.
For example, filters are always needed to discriminate against out-of-band signals and attenuate them down to very low levels while preserving full power in the bands of interest.
A new regulatory principle in the age of big data, then, might be that people's data cannot be used to discriminate against them on the basis of something that might or might not happen.
The advocacy group OpenCarry. org, a leading group encouraging the demonstrations, applauded Starbucks in a statement for "deciding not to discriminate against lawful gun carriers."
At other companies the idea has been broadened into a Take an Older American to Work Day, presumably so as not to discriminate against those without a presentable (or living) parent.
My first dam question to you is: (1) Are you trying to discriminate against my Spring Pond beavers or (2) do you require all beavers throughout this State to conform to said dam request?
These advocates also say that allowing companies to discriminate against the jobless is fundamentally unfair and threatens to condemn millions of Americans to permanent underclass status.
Aren't the vegans being contradictory when of the two life forms inferior to man they discriminate against plants and claim in the meantime that animals be equal with mankind?
Still, legal experts say companies that choose to implement policies banning smokers should tread carefully. Such policies may inadvertently discriminate against certain classes of people.
That suggests that when the hiring is done by the company where the job candidate will work, the people doing the hiring appear to strongly discriminate against attractive women.
The applicants who meet the legal conditions and standards are entitled to obtain the equal right under an administrative license, the administrative organs shall not discriminate against any of them.
Without recourse to some data it is hard to know. Some Brazilian employers may discriminate against people with darker skin. But the kind of hard racism that blighted America is foreign to Brazil.
State government are forbidden to levy tariffs on imports, discriminate against outsides residents, or tax other states 'products. Most states have balanced budget requirement.
As a country willing to fight against AIDS a modest point of the clinical medical staff, we certainly would not discriminate against AIDS, will give him the support and assistance within its capacity.
In at least 30 countries, nationality laws discriminate against women and limit their ability to acquire and transmit citizenship to their children or spouses, which can lead to statelessness.
In at least 30 countries, nationality laws discriminate against women and limit their ability to acquire and transmit citizenship to their children or spouses, which can lead to statelessness.