If I were a robert I would be able to do wonders.
No, we conservatives must accept that the profusion of ever more beautiful handheld devices is not, in the long run, going to do wonders for the old art of writing a letter.
As you can imagine, telling my insurance-scam friend that he should be ashamed to infringe the law, let alone asking anybody else's help to do it, was not going to do wonders for our friendship!
Do you show your wonders to the dead?
The brain may be master of all we do. But, at the tissue level, wonders are also to be found in those organs that we may think of as being more ordinary.
But most men and women are so bogged down with the day-to-day minutiae of striving to survive they do not savor the wonders of being alive.
The simple act of sitting and talking about things that matter can do wonders to deepen the understanding we have for one another.
Used coffee grounds, in moderation, can do wonders for the garden by adding nitrogen to the soil.
These documents don't qualify as leisure reading, but they can work wonders if you're looking for a way to do excellent research on the company.
The smoky, tangy flavor associated with gutter oil can do wonders to simple, everyday dishes.
The power of XSLT and the ready availability of XML transformation tools do wonders for ensuring that no one ever has to be chained to any particular XML language for any particular task.
War between the two neighbours could still be averted, and ASEAN will do wonders for its own reputation if it can be the one to broker the peace.
The Lord said to Moses, "When you return to Egypt, see that you perform before Pharaoh all the wonders I have given you the power to do.
Getting outside for some fresh air, a change of scenery, and a quick walk to get your blood going will do wonders for your mood and motivation.
Although personal habits and practices can do wonders for time management, don't overlook technology as yet another weapon to make the most effective use of your workday.
Does an education in public health make people more willing to sacrifice an individual for the greater good, he wonders, or do such people gravitate to this field in the first place?
Who did all those miraculous signs and wonders the LORD sent him to do in Egypt — to Pharaoh and to all his officials and to his whole land.
It took Phileas Fogg 80 days to circumnavigate the world but, thanks to the wonders of technology, it is now possible to do it in just a minute.
Seeing the seven wonders of the world, going on safari in Africa and swimming with dolphins are among the list of 50 things the average person wants to do before they die.
Forming a company around teams is a great way to start, but encouraging employees to recognize fellow workers for top performances can do wonders.
We have to move ahead and with our team in place and positive attitude we are a team who can do wonders.
Apologizing to the disliked person can do wonders for one's physical and mental being, bringing happiness and contentment.
Random ACTS of kindness are always welcome and do wonders to both the giver and the receiver.
Random ACTS of kindness are always welcome and do wonders to both the giver and the receiver.