One year, the losing side managed to drop the ball in a well to bide time.
Perhaps we think "I took on too much" is not much of an excuse if and when we drop the ball (after all, it was our choice to say yes or no).
All other things being equal, when the ball receives a jolt of energy, it is more likely to drop down a step than to pop up one.
The one thing you didn't want to do was drop the ball.
If you consider the ball to be an 'outside interference', play should be stopped and the game restarted with a drop ball.
That Wenger deliberately chose to drop more offensive players into the full-back positions demonstrates quite how important it was that his full-backs were excellent on the ball.
The classic gagged-and-bound safe movement is to drop something the Top has given you to hold, and that will call attention to itself when it falls, like a rubber ball.
比较经典的堵嘴-捆绑游戏中的安全动作是:受虐者将施虐者给与的某样东西松手扔到地上。 东西的掉落会引起施虐者的注意,比如橡胶球。
Good Riddance day was organized by the Times Square Alliance as part of the buildup to Thursday's ball-drop celebration.
Not only that, but women can juggle several subjects with other women who are all doing the same thing - and no-one ever seems to drop a ball.
Let your heel drop down, press into the ball of your left foot and rise to your toes.
Try to toss the ball into the same spot every time? Let your racket head drop behind you and then hit the ball suddenly.
And you never lose the instinct of being a goalscorer, of knowing where the ball is going to drop.
Henry: As I hardly saw the ball in the first half of both games, I decided to go for it and drop deeper into midfield.
He tried to roll the 9-ball down the right rail but the ball rattled in the jaws of the bottom right pocket but did not drop.
The racquet should drop at least one foot below the contact point before swinging forward to meet the ball.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of his friends pick up Sean's ball and drop it in the hole. Then he ran and pretended to look for his own ball.
In many cases a drop ball, which lands in a profiled seat, will be used to shift the setting or activation mechanism at predetermined pressures.
Then I drop kick the ball, intending to say "go get it." Instead it ricochets of a nearby tree and hits my face.
If they come at you with a knife, drop to the ground, ball up to protect your torso (the kill zone) and kick at the attacker's knees or groin.
It takes ball screws as drive machine, engaged electromagnet to drive steady control rod up and down, disengaged electromagnet to drop the control rod rapidly.
You need something to light the fire, the ball to drop invitingly in the box, and you get your name on the scoresheet.
And in New York, nearly a million New Year's eve revelers were expected to cram into Times Square to watch the midnight ball drop, just days after the city got clobbered by a blizzard.
IF all goes according to plan, the shiny ball will drop at midnight on New Year's Eve in Times Square, to the tooting of horns and the wild screams of the jubilant throng.
Gripping the club, I take a wild and untrained swing at the ball, somehow manage to connect, and send it flying high over the green to drop out of sight somewhere in the water behind the hole.
Gripping the club, I take a wild and untrained swing at the ball, somehow manage to connect, and send it flying high over the green to drop out of sight somewhere in the water behind the hole.