But there is a troubling subtext: the author’s attempts to exculpate himself.
Conservative writers quickly used the insanity defense to exculpate the Palins and the Bachmanns.
The diary is not the one who will always update, but it is only the note of someday, I begin to exculpate from my giving up in the midway.
Now you must face them frankly, facing these situations, your instinctive action is "escaping then covering up", trying to exculpate yourself from the trouble.
The label "unconventional" is used not to exculpate Swinburne from the charge of immorality but to show that he is incompatible with but may be in advance of his times.
The label "unconventional" is used not to exculpate Swinburne from the charge of immorality but to show that he is incompatible with but may be in advance of his times.