If the platform libraries provide finalizers for cleaning up open file handlers, which greatly reduces the risk of forgetting to close them explicitly, why aren't finalizers used more often?
The flip side is that, in contrast to normal page requests, the portal does not provide any default header information for the response; all information must be explicitly set during resource serving.
Because your home directory is usually not on your path (and generally should not be), you will need to explicitly provide a path for any executable that you want to run from your home directory.
SCA's conversational interfaces provide what BPEL refers to as engine-managed correlation, which removes the need for developers to specify correlating information explicitly.
SCA的会话接口提供了被BPEL称为“引擎管理的关联(engine- managed correlation)”的功能,这让开发者不必再显式指定关联信息。
You must provide this information to any passenger who states that he or she uses a wheelchair for boarding, even if the passenger does not explicitly request the information.
Object Services enables you to explicitly manage the connection used by an object context and provide your own connection for the object context.
Notice, however, that you do not need to provide a destructor explicitly in this case: the compiler will generate one implicitly for you.
Notice, however, that you do not need to provide a destructor explicitly in this case: the compiler will generate one implicitly for you.