The experience was something he had tried to expunge from his memory.
Wonder when to expunge that kitchen sponge from your life?
Once biofilms become attached to the surfaces of medical devices, they are extremely difficult to expunge.
When the foundations of information technology were laid, no one considered it important to be able to expunge mistakes.
To be able not to merely forget, but to expunge your unhappy childhood, or unrequited love, or rocky marriage from your memory.
He knew about several vacations I had taken with my family, where I lived, and other more personal items that I am now trying to expunge from my cyber file.
His two nephews were often in trouble with the law, but in order to keep their official records unblemished, Tom would pay the police to expunge the material.
Even death cannot expunge the fact that I enjoyed my daughter at all those different stages - and, yes, even now, I strive to keep her vibrantly alive.
It is better, however, to use plain expunge after all the messages are moved, in combination with the -n flag.
然而,更好的方法是在移动所有消息之后直接使用expunge,并加上- n标志。
In order to really delete those messages, the expunge function must be called.
In order to really delete those messages, the expunge function must be called.