Making the steel plate fasten to the airproof ring tightly, so the plank will not teetertotter while meeting strong wind.
In common people's opinion, to prevent from the thief ransacking our houses and stealing our wealth, we used to bind the casket tightly, install iron bar before the windows and fasten our doors.
在我们一般人的想法里,为了防止小偷到家里来翻箱倒柜,窃取财物,我们都会将箱子用绳子绑紧,上锁。 将大门上闩加铁窗等等。
In common people's opinion, to prevent from the thief ransacking our houses and stealing our wealth, we used to bind the casket tightly, install iron bar before the windows and fasten our doors.
在我们一般人的想法里,为了防止小偷到家里来翻箱倒柜,窃取财物,我们都会将箱子用绳子绑紧,上锁。 将大门上闩加铁窗等等。