If you don't wear a mask, you will not be allowed to get on the bus.
When a child who used to love going to school, but now cries and fights to get on the bus, he may have trouble with some classmates.
Which is the proper bus for her to take and where to get on the bus?
He's trying to get on the bus.
Be sure to get on the bus before 7:30.
We should ____ ____ ____ to get on the bus.
The old woman was helped to get on the bus.
Kids are waiting in line to get on the bus.
How long had you been waiting to get on the bus?
All my luggage have been packed. I guess I'm all set to get on the bus.
When it was her turn to get on the bus someone said "Sorry no more room."
Well except for the people that decide not to get on the bus because they didn't get a seat.
In the morning, all the girls in our school got up very early because we couldn't wait to get on the bus.
No one has told them about the British custom of lining up for a bus so that the first person who arrives at a bus stop is the first person to get on the bus.
If you want further information the best thing to do is have a word with the driver as you get on the bus.
They'd just witnessed, or so they maintained, a security man turn his back at a bus stop and his dog get on the bus without him, only for the bus to depart.
Admittedly if I was on a bus that pulled over so the passengers could spot a beautiful endangered bird, I would eagerly get out my camera to take a photo.
I don't go home right away, though. I get on the bus to my parents' house.
May: on their bus or in your own cars, and you won't be allowed to get off the bus until reach the special region.
I shall count three, and on the word 'three', I want you to lean forward suddenly as hard as you can. That should get the bus started again.
Zuckerberg's advice to "incumbents," as he calls technology giants: "Get on the bus."
On November 26, 2006, in Nanjing, a man helped an old lady who felt on the floor to get up on a bus ended up being accused for causing her injury.
It's a transgressive sort of humour. In Belgium, on the tour bus to the TV station, or whiling away the hours between rehearsal and performance, you get to hear La Roux and Co in full comedic flight.
在比利时,无论是在去电视台的巡回巴士上,还是打发彩排和表演休息空隙时,你都能听到LaRoux 和成员充满喜剧性的争吵。
Day six and we get back on the bus to head to Budapest, with a detour (Phil the bus God is a genius at detours, and this one even means we add another country to our list).
After traveling for two days to get to the olympics then spending one day watching the action they immediately fileback on the bus and head for home again.
The City Mouse and the Country Mouse get on a bus to the city.
The City Mouse and the Country Mouse get on a bus to the city.