I think to get the business done, you should at least reduce the price by 20%.
Well, to get the business done, we can consider making some concessions in our price.
Just a simple cup of tea can make a client feel more relaxed and help to get the business done.
To get the best results, business owners need to find appropriate candidates and screen them to make sure they have the skills needed to get the jobs they want done.
I mean, really sat down and had a conversation with them about their needs, what they expect in the future, and the changes they'd like to see in order for business to get done more efficiently?
The nascent boom in medical tourism could also disrupt the hospital business, even if every hip-replacement patient does not actually go to India to get it done.
In fact, in the business world, more emphasis is placed on an individual's ability to make a strong first impression than her ability to get the job done.
They made decisions they believed to be in the best interest of their company. It's not what I would have done but it wasn't my business and I normally wouldn't get involved.
Now that the markup part is done, it's time to get down to business and write some code!
You're determined that this is going to be the month when you get that business plan done... except you've not written a word of it.
I've got good qualifications, and I've done a business administration course to get more of the theory.
From expanding opportunity to protecting our country, we have made good progress. Yet we have unfinished business before us, and the American people expect us to get it done.
The reason, he believes, lay in "groupthink... and pressure to get business done" -as well as a sheer lack of understanding about how the models worked.
The reason, he believes, lay in "groupthink... and pressure to get business done" -as well as a sheer lack of understanding about how the models worked.