Truck drivers sometimes had to waited on the wharf all night to go through the procedures.
They helped Fang to go through the procedures, showed her around campus and Shared stories of college life.
Students of higher grades acted as guides for the freshmen. They helped Fang to go through the procedures, showed her around campus and shared stories of college life.
AE has seen projects which took 4 months to go through the legal procedures because the beneficiary wants to check each line of the contract.
If you went to a bank to open a savings account, you would go through almost the same procedures as followed in applying for a checking account.
He announced he had been given the right to take over what was then Zimbabwe's biggest mango farm. Mr Freeth insisted that the minister first go through the correct legal procedures.
他宣布自己被授权接管当时津巴布韦最大的芒果农场,Ben Freeth坚称新闻部长应先走完正当的法律程序。
Ian: NO! You have to go through all the procedures at the American Institute here first!
We found it troublesome having to go through all the procedures.
I would be much obliged to you if you could let me know the procedures I have to go through.
If the application complies with legal conditions, the CIRC or its local offices shall go through the procedures of alteration according to law.
If you went to a bank to open a savings account, you would go through almost the same procedures followed in applying for a checking account.
Taxpayers may go through the tax paying procedures themselves or entrust others to do so.
Because the procedures the imported textiles have to go through can be outrageously time - consuming.
The agent entrusted to go through the related procedures shall abide by all the provisions of these Regulations pertaining to his client.
You don't have to go through all the procedures. We travel agency will do all the necessary things for you.
Aliens with permanent residence in China shall submit a report and go through the registration procedures if they wish to leave their lodgings and accommodate temporarily in other places.
Rather, our intention was to go through all the procedures to reveal the truth about Huawei.
Now you can go to the in-patient department to go through the admission procedures.
You have to go through all the procedures at the American Institute here first!
For foreigners like us, it's very complicated to go through all the procedures to sell your car at a market.
Article 2 a QFII shall entrust its custodian to go through all procedures stipulated in the Provisions on its behalf.
Article 2 a QFII shall entrust its custodian to go through all procedures stipulated in the Provisions on its behalf.