He would respond to their looks of puzzlement by pointing to the wall behind him, on which hung his death certificate, purchased for a small fee from a Lagos supplier.
I pointed to the dog. 'Can you tell me about him?' the officer looked, then shook his head in puzzlement.
Chester would try to make his way through a narrow sliding door find himself stuck halfway and then look at me with total and quite genuine puzzlement.
The Buddha's persistent reluctance to answer any of the four question put to him regarding the fate of the Tathagata after death caused puzzlement to his interlocutor.
This thesis intends to explore Yu Mingzhen's spiritual dilemma throughout his life, and meantime reveals the puzzlement and the process of the establishment of modern intellectuals.
He also warns people of their puzzlement in the spiritual world as well as their immoral behavior, for Las Putin's call for conscience and human nature has been his solution to Russia's way out.
He also warns people of their puzzlement in the spiritual world as well as their immoral behavior, for Las Putin's call for conscience and human nature has been his solution to Russia's way out.