To hit hard, your whole body must be connected with all the different components acting as one unit.
The plan to charge motorists to use the motorway is going to hit me hard.
Find the exact grip that allows you to hit the ball hard.
It was all well and good to let them strike the first blow, but if they hit us hard below the belt, we should take an ax and cut their hands off.
The man was so angry that he ran to his son, took away his hammer from him, and used the hammer to hit the boy's hands as hard as he could for punishment.
If so, it would hit Pakistan's peasant multitude, already prone to drought and flood, especially hard.
That is now beginning to hit female employment disproportionately hard.
All of these areas are going to be hit hard.
They also tend to earn less than men so won't be as hard-hit by higher taxation.
Another possibility is that the financial crisis itself hit Asean particularly hard and reduced its ability to grow.
Countries that export significant amounts to the US have also been hit hard.
Xiao Fuhua, 33, whose wife and three children are in Liangshan, an area in southern Sichuan Province that is not supposed to be hard hit, said he had been unable to reach his family at all.
Each belligerent has a strong motivation to hit the enemy hard to show that it values victory very highly.
“When they are getting hit, it is very hard for them to leave, the man never wants to, ” she explains.
China may be better placed than most, but the global financial crisis has started to hit the country hard and jolted its confidence.
The actual result of Israeli policy seems to be: hit Gazans hard and they only get angrier.
Barack Obama went to Indiana and Florida to drum up support from voters in towns hit hard by the recession.
Foreclosures continue to rise in Florida and other U.S. states hit hard by the real estate crisis.
The Indo-Gangetic plain, home to a seventh of mankind and purveyor of a fifth of the world's wheat, is likely to be especially hard hit.
And if a Qassam hits a busy Israeli school playground, Israel's politicians may feel obliged to hit back so hard that they destroy the peace process for good.
The number of dead is expected to go up as rescuers reach more hard-hit areas.
While central bankers in the U.S. and Britain have been printing money and buying bonds to support their hard-hit economies, the ECB has until now mostly resisted such moves.
While central bankers in the U. s. and Britain have been printing money and buying bonds to support their hard-hit economies, the ECB has until now mostly resisted such moves.
But still, most firms found it hard to spot a value activity when it hit their factory floor.
So far, these studies have been limited to African populations that have been particularly hard-hit by AIDS-related casualties.
Though Howrey was the only big firm to collapse, the forces that destroyed it hit the whole profession hard.
When trying to hit the ball hard, most players tend to tighten up.
When trying to hit the ball hard, most players tend to tighten up.