Water. Be sure to hydrate throughout the day.
You need to hydrate your skin, or it will become too dry.
Drink tons of water (at least 8 glasses) to hydrate your whole system.
Make sure to hydrate before, during and after your runs to avoid dehydration.
Make sure to hydrate before during and after your runs to avoid dehydration.
In the summer, I use our everyday lotions on my face to hydrate without heaviness.
All right, it's midnight - time to hydrate and get some rest for a big day tomorrow.
Want to hydrate your insides then by all means, drink your 8 glasses of water a day.
Always drink when you are thirsty, and have water available during the day to hydrate regularly.
Steam is then passed through the molded article to hydrate and melt the protein, thereby forming bonds between contiguous sand particles.
In the week before the race you will want to hydrate well and take in more than your usual amount of carbohydrates. But don't stuff yourself.
Presumably that's why the British use a stupid amount of drinkable water to hydrate golf courses, wash down fleets of haulage trucks and flush the loo.
Bring a bottle of Magnesia mineral water to the ski slopes to nourish your muscles, or to the hot springs to hydrate and replenish important minerals.
The best way to hydrate is by drinking low-calorie, high-nutrient fluids-and avoiding belt-busting beverages like the 20 Unhealthiest Drinks in America.
Remember that coffee doesn't take the place of water in your child's diet, and they need to hydrate their bodies well for optimal growth, development, and health.
So if you want to hydrate your skin, exfoliate it weekly with a sea-salt scrub or other exfoliator to remove dead skin then apply a rich moisturizer while skin is still damp.
On the basis of analyzing the control step for ice conversing to hydrate and introducing the sign function, the unreacted core shrinking model for hydrate formation was proposed.
The high water content helps to hydrate tender skin in the eye region, while the chill of a refrigerated cucumber helps contract blood vessels in the area–both effects combine to reduce swelling.
Pure floral waters are by products of the steam distillation process of essential oils. Floral water is 100% natural hydrosol used after face wash to hydrate, refresh and balance skin conditions.
Your body functions in the same way whether it's cold or hot outside, and exertion will make the body sweat no matter the temperature making it necessary to hydrate the body in every type of weather.
"The modeling of methane hydrate is frankly in its infancy," but it seems "robust to conclude" that mankind could "melt a significant fraction of the methane hydrates in the ocean," they wrote.
A gas hydrate (methane clathrate) block embedded in the sediment of hydrate ridge, off Oregon, USA. Click to enlarge this image.
Hydrate: it is just as important to drink fluids in your winter runs as it is in the summer.
The result is a fine powder that canslurp up gases, which chemically combine with the water molecules to form whatchemists term a hydrate.
One big unknown is the stage at which dangerous tipping points would be reached that lead to further warming - for example the release of methane hydrate deposits in the Arctic.
If you hydrate properly like this, you shouldn't have to stop to pee.
Japan will seek to extract natural gas from seabed deposits of methane hydrate, also known as "burning ice," in the world's first such offshore experiment, a news report said Monday.
Also drink plenty of water to help hydrate your hair from the inside out.
Also drink plenty of water to help hydrate your hair from the inside out.