It has also announced measures to inject liquidity into the financial system.
Over the next 20 months, Mr Bernanke employed ever more creative means to inject liquidity into the financial markets.
Japanese Finance Minister Noda said members agreed to inject liquidity and act against disorderly currency moves should such steps become necessary.
The eurocracy managed to cobble together a plan to prevent a complete seizing up of the banking system by promising to inject liquidity into the system.
The doubts burst into the open on August 9th when central banks were forced to inject liquidity into the overnight money markets because banks were charging punitive rates to lend to each other.
Worries of a credit squeeze have prompted central Banks in the U.S., Europe, Australia and Japan to inject billions of dollars into the money markets to raise liquidity and market confidence.
The same day, the European Central Bank (ECB) was forced to inject 95 billion EURO(130 billion DOLLAR at the time) of emergency liquidity.
The same day, the European Central Bank (ECB) was forced to inject 95 billion EURO(130 billion DOLLAR at the time) of emergency liquidity.