You have very high savings rates, extremely good education, and overseas Chinese with lots of expertise and money to invest in China.
More than a quarter of affluent Asians plan to invest in greater China and Southeast Asian funds and equities in the next six months, according to the report.
He said China is willing to introduce more capable Chinese companies with good credit to do business in the zone and invest more in Egypt.
As such, China is going to invest in the facilities and forces needed to defend these vital strategic assets.
In early 2g, 3g signal based on full coverage, China Telecom decided to invest special funds, in the Nansha deployed seven islands eight 4g base station construction.
在早期的2g、3 G信号全覆盖的基础上,中国电信决定投入专项资金,在南沙部署七个岛屿八个4g基站建设。
Insurance companies in China are currently allowed to directly invest in stock market, so there is no time to delay in implementing asset-liability matching risk management.
The way to apply industrial property right. one of patent rights, to invest to a corporation upon its establishment is affirmed by laws in China.
But when tuition fees, students can choose to invest in industrial and Commercial Bank of China online banking, mobile client or to the operating room.
Second, building quality homes in the middle of nowhere does no good without cheap and convenient transportation, so China actually needs to invest more, not less, as many argue, in infrastructure.
Najib also said relations between China and Malaysia have entered their best period to date and he welcomed Chinese enterprises to invest in his country.
We will invest more of our time and energy to push the acknowledgement and of our wines in China, one of the fastest developing market in the world.
We will invest more of our time and energy to push the acknowledgement and of our wines in China, one of the fastest developing market in the world.