When I wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning, is it just to jog? Definitely not, I give it all of my efforts.
When I wake up at 5 in the morning is it just to jog? Definitely not, I give it all of my efforts.
We can infer from it that the man sets these many clocks just to remind himself that he should never give up.
They just have to wait and give it some time because they can end up doing very well.
In other words, don't wait for your company to give you the green light to dream up new ideas — just do it.
Even if you are not a morning person, postponing the inevitable just makes it harder. Give yourself a few extra minutes to fully wake up or to enjoy a cup of coffee alone before everybody gets up.
We do encourage it, however, and in general, I find you don't have to give up that old team, you can keep your old team, even if it's teams I won't name, just keep them to the side.
And by the same token, if you promise to quit smoking or loseweight by March and you haven't done it, don't give up. Just makeanother resolution you can stick with.
This doesn't mean you should give up on good design, it just means that you'll have to be convincing when you want to bring a more artistic touch to a job.
That's how extreme the market anxiety is: Some are willing to give up a little of their money just to park it in a relatively safe place.
You decide to give up smoking, but doing it "just once" while at a party leads you back to addiction.
I begged my mom to roll up her window and just continue on, but she insisted that if this person needed help she was going to give it to them.
But on the up-side, a lot of alumni make a lot of money and then give it to us, so Yale can subsidize just about any project you're interested in doing while you're here.
Just as the buyer reveals what he is willing to pay for a certain amount of a good, so too does the seller reveal what it costs him to give up the good.
Fair play to them for turning up really. It would be easy to just give in and let their heads drop but we'll fight on.
If we allow these models to drift apart, then software quickly becomes legacy and at some point people just give up and decide to rewrite it from scratch.
To back up your mail using ifrom, just give it the -backup flag.
要使用ifrom备份邮件,只需对它使用- backup标志。
It can be installed alongside a regular version of Firefox, too, so you don't need to worry about uninstalling it if you give up on it, or just want to switch back to the regular version for a while.
I was about to give up on the laptop and just rip it apart making a DIY projector using the LCD screen and laptop base.
Then just drop it all, and give up to rest.
It's easy to give up control of beliefs and let society dictate beliefs because it seems to be the right way, just because of the way that our society is structured.
Don't give up your critical thinking, just enhance it by allowing yourself to explore ideas more thoroughly before you decide what they look like.
Give up on those intrepid fighting rage, to give up on the deadweight is non denounced, because it is just a fantasy.
Just started to learn or more relaxed, but gradually, I felt boring and tedious, but think again, I must not give up, stick to it.
If you're the guy, and alone, you too should not give up - love comes when it wants to, and this year you may be zinged with Cupid's arrow just a few days after Valentine's day!
He was just going to go up to her to give it back, when the girl did some-thing very strange.
He was just going to go up to her to give it back, when the girl did some-thing very strange.