My mother was so touched by her gesture that she decided to go back to the store and give the cashier a five-dollar bill to keep on hand in case the same happened to someone else if they didn't have enough money for all of their groceries.
You could also buy a small wine cooler and follow the same guidelines: If you keep your wine fridge in a cool place, it won't have to work so hard, keeping your energy bill down.
You can also write a new one or adapt another open source project to fit the bill, but keep in mind that doing so takes cycles away from your actual project.
“Based on my experience with Mr Netanyahu, he did what he thought he had to do to keep the ball rolling,” said Bill Clinton.
And as for the Italians, they are just trying to keep up with what Bill Cerutti of the Italian American Task Force calls the “approved groups”.
Bill, George's best Pal, gave drunk ass George an idea of how to keep from getting in trouble with the wife.
WEEKLY ADDRESS: Extending the Transportation Bill to Keep America moving.
The bill Pay Assistant is the perfect way to keep all of your monthly bills paid on time.
On a sunny summer day, the two children inside had to keep the lights on — which drives up the electricity bill, even if the family is using energy-saving bulbs.
A main goal of education spending in the stimulus bill is to help keep teachers on the job.
The question is, can you really afford to keep paying the bill?
I refuse to trade with that store ever again, they keep cheating us on the bill!
And as for the Italians, they are just trying to keep up with what Bill Cerutti of the Italian American Task Force calls the "approved groups".
Bill Gates has revealed how he used to keep tabs on his employees by memorising all of their number plates to see when they were arriving and leaving the office.
If the situation is very bad when you realize the trouble, it is late. Want to have hope, unless you always keep a sense of crisis. — Bill Gates.
Meanwhile, a Senate committee last week approved a bipartisan bill that would prohibit brand-name drug manufacturers from using settlement agreements to keep generic equivalents off the market.
Meanwhile, a Senate committee last week approved a bipartisan bill that would prohibit brand-name drug manufacturers from using settlement agreements to keep generic equivalents off the market.