Fishes are caught when they are on the way upstream to lay eggs.
To lay eggs, especially by means of an ovipositor.
In spring, it returns to the fresh water stream to lay eggs.
Each colony may have one or more queens whose job is to lay eggs.
It is very unusual for a mammal to lay eggs or to have poisonous spurs!
This is the place where Malaysian Plover come to lay eggs, they stay in a couple.
The increase of walrus quantity also gave penguin to lay eggs to bring a lot to harass in recent years .
No generals command ant warriors. No managers boss ant workers. The queen plays no role except to lay eggs.
He collects butterflies and brings them into a lab to lay eggs. Then he puts new butterflies into the habitat.
Scientists monitored the birds during the breeding season and noted when the female birds were preparing to lay eggs.
I walked among them, said: "the whale is a mammal, because it is not to lay eggs, but directly to health small animals."
The invention relates to a method for inducing verasper moseri to lay eggs naturally, which belongs to the aquaculture field.
This new forced egg laying technique encourages the females to lay eggs which we were then able to rear into viable populations.
ADA FOAH, Ghana - you don't have to wait in line to watch sea turtles pull themselves onto shore to lay eggs, but you still need patience.
One reason for it is that around Easter time the rural household had plenty of eggs handy. The hens began to lay eggs again in the spring.
Only nowadays all the cocks are cackling and pretending to lay eggs, and all the hens are crowing and pretending to call the sun out of bed.
"We believe flies might have gone inside his ears to lay eggs, which hatched into larvae and caused the itching," said Somsak Nonthasri, the doctor who treated him.
Salmon manage to swim upstream to lay their eggs.
If insects paid attention to such advertisements, they might be prompted to lay their eggs on a duller, and presumably less resistant host.
However, they are, in one respect, less fully given back to the water than whales or dugongs, for turtles still lay their eggs on beaches.
Where 50-kilogram king salmon once fought their way up waterfalls to lay their eggs in gravel beds, there now are only concrete walls holding back still water and deep beds of muddy deposits.
Cuckoos would have good reason to do so, since the warblers and other small birds in whose nests they lay their eggs are understandably frightened of hawks, and give them a wide berth.
What a waste for a frog to lay so many thousands of eggs for just a couple of juvenile offspring!
Spotted salamanders lay their eggs in pools in spring. And the egg capsules actually look green, thanks to the algae that surrounds the resident embryos.
Female crocs lay their eggs in clutches of 20 to 60. After the eggs have incubated for about three months, the mother opens the nest and helps her young out of their shells.
鳄鱼妈妈一次可以产卵20- 60个,经过3个月的孵化,鳄鱼妈妈就会打开巢穴的掩埋物帮助小鳄鱼顺利破壳。
Female crocs lay their eggs in clutches of 20 to 60. After the eggs have incubated for about three months, the mother opens the nest and helps her young out of their shells.
鳄鱼妈妈一次可以产卵20- 60个,经过3个月的孵化,鳄鱼妈妈就会打开巢穴的掩埋物帮助小鳄鱼顺利破壳。