Students at university also meet those likely to be in leading jobs in the future, forming contacts for life.
Future-mindedness contributes to the disorder in American life, the obliviousness to history, the high rates of family breakdown, the frenzied waste of natural resources.
I honestly hope to lead a healthy and prosperous life in the future.
I believe that facial recognition technology will be applied to many aspects of our life in the near future.
I'm a teacher from a village, and my job is to teach her so that she might leave the mountain and live a better life in the future.
I'm very glad to see you are living a good life and hope that all the villagers can live a happy life in the future.
Think about your life purpose, what you want and what you want to create for your life in the future.
That includes many individuals with esoteric skills that are of little use in everyday life - like being able to instantly reckon the day of the week for any past or future date.
If you do not introduce any negative beliefs and only dwell on positive aspects of every situation you encounter, you will cause great life to manifest in the future.
While you can't foresee everything the future has in business, it's important to determine what will happen to the business if you decide to move, divorce or other life altering event.
Try to concentrate on the present and future to make your life better in every possible way.
Hume wants to say everything we do in life is based on the assumption that we can learn from experience and that future will conform to the past.
Fans of the series will be delighted to see old friends again and two new life-paired couples who will undoubtedly appear in future novels.
As the health and life expectancy of the elderly continues to improve in the future-as they surely will - retirement ages should be raised beyond age 70.
Embrace failure, accept it as a part of a normal life, and take away something (if there's something to take away) that you can use to your advantage in the future.
Create a vision together for the type of life you want to be living, both now and in the future.
Not only does it not satisfy, you inevitably end up missing out on so much life by striving to reach something in the future.
Your positive words have created the blessings you have thus far in your life, and they are needed to create your future blessings.
While it probably helps more to know someone in “real life”, you can still make connections online that could help you now or in the future.
Now li's father hopes to provide more chances of education for his child, so that he will have a better life in the future.
And a book also makes a huge difference in your future writing projects; it gives you more legitimacy if you're trying to live the freelance life.
If I had to choose, the most important life lesson is summarized to this: life is so short.What's happened is already in the past.The future is here for us to create.
If I had to choose, the most important life lesson is summarized to this: life is so short. What's happened is already in the past. The future is here for us to create.
You will want to tell yourself you have live the best moments in life in the future therefore do not commit a corny group photographs.
When Victor Hugo was past eighty years of age he gave expression to his religious faith in these sublime sentences: "I feel in myself the future life."
However in the Middle East, where recent quakes in Turkey and Iran have killed hundreds, many states are working hard to improve their seismic monitoring systems to prevent future loss of life.
However in the Middle East, where recent quakes in Turkey and Iran have killed hundreds, many states are working hard to improve their seismic monitoring systems to prevent future loss of life.