Because the Hao is to liken me also 1 year older, is us obtain biggest of so he is forever very rational.
There is nothing in prices which permits one to liken them to the measurement of physical and chemical phenomena.
Bergman himself was to liken the method to the format of Bach's harpsichord sonatas: "They can be played by string quartets, wind ensembles, on the guitar, organ or piano."
Others liken it to a country club.
Many liken the process to a space launch, since each new record-topping tower is, in effect, a brand new mission into the unknown.
I liken it to a comedian who is funny in public, but just a "regular person" in private.
Coaching Stance - I liken this to the psychotherapeutic notion of “stance”: it’s fundamentally about how a coach relates to the team above and beyond details of interactions, interventions and models.
This back-and-forth negotiation process, which many liken to a dance, can leave you shuffling endlessly around the issues, while resentment builds on both sides.
That's a conflict of interest, say critics who liken the situation to the regulation of the oil industry prior to last year's devastating Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
Some businessmen liken it to a new Wild West, a place where adventurers prepared to work in Iraq’s still tricky conditions can make a quick buck.
很多商人把它比喻成新的西部热土,一个冒险者在棘手条件下能够赚取丰厚利润 的地方。
Others liken him to Captain Ahab pursuing his whale.
They will often kill any male or young chimpanzees they find, sometimes eating or physically brutalizing their victims in a manner that some researchers liken to torture.
And they called on Google to be clearer about the rules governing AdWords, which experts liken to a "black box".
Scientist liken voluntary or directed attention to a mental muscle that can wear out over time.
I liken it to trying to stick to a diet in a house that is filled with chips, cookies, ice cream, pop and chocolate; you are just making it more difficult on yourself.
To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? Saith the Holy One.
Dr Kevorkian was hardly lovable. Bombastic and arrogant, he would liken himself to Galileo, Gandhi and Martin Luther King.
I liken this thought process to the "anticipation trade" in the U.S. that occurred from the beginning of September through November 5th.
The randomistas, as Ms Duflo and her comrades are called, liken their studies to the clinical trials that prove the efficacy of new drugs.
I liken the Body Blueprint concept to Covey's "Sharpening the Saw" and continuous renewal through the "learn, commit, and do" upward spiral.
Some people liken its ascent to that of the iPod, but that's misleading because the market for portable MP3 players was chaotic and immature when Apple entered it.
有些人认为iPhone的上升势头与当年的iPod无异但其实这是一种误导。因为当苹果进入便携式MP 3播放器市场时,这个市场还是一片混乱、远未成熟。
I don’t think it’s really been done before, the only thing I liken it to is a movie like From Dusk Till Dawn —it seems all very ‘cops and robbers’ and all of a sudden there’s vampires.
我觉得以前没有这样的电影,惟一有点像的是《杀出个黎明(FromDuskTill Dawn )》——开始非常“警匪片”,然后突然吸血鬼蹦出来。
She gets more like him as she gets older, but thinks most people would liken her to her mother.
And he said: To what shall we liken the kingdom of God?
And he said: To what shall we liken the kingdom of God?