A different problem continued to lurk.
Some worrying signs continue to lurk in the data.
She heard a pleasant voice in every breeze, and in every birds note seemed to lurk a joy.
Bottling it up means anger continues to lurk like an emotional monster, waiting for opportunities to hurt you or someone else.
Lin Ying baby believe that he had been teng village doubt, for gold deep water elution charges, can let him continue to lurk, play a more important role.
She organized a group of about 150 local businesspeople to lurk around Copley Square and, after a secret signal, in broad daylight to burst into a dance they'd rehearsed.
她组织了约150名当地商户业主,潜伏在柯普利广场附近。 然后根据秘密的信号,所有人突然蹦出来,在光天化日之下就开始跳起事先排练好的舞蹈。
The one bunker guarding the front-right corner of the green dominates the approach and the cautious player is tempted to play to the right where little trouble seems to lurk.
But according to a new study published on Monday in Pediatrics, the toxic heavy metal may continue to lurk in other, less expected sources in the home - like in the kitchen pantry.
As 1901 drew to a close, however, the Ms. Proposal faded from the public eye - though it seems to have made enough of an impression to lurk just below the radar for decades to come.
不过,到了1901年底,关于Ms .的提议就在公众眼前消失了——虽然它似乎已经造成足够的印象足以潜伏在大家的眼线下达20年之久。
Other problems may lurk in software that may be important to you.
On the fringes of Bury, the Victorian terraces give way to the sort of new estate in which, Bagehot speculated, “Motorway man” might lurk.
I had a chance to chat with her to find out why the future of fashion may lurk in her sugar VAT.
These enzymes (discovered in the 1970s by Dr Smith, in work that won him a Nobel prize) would lurk in the DNA-free cadaver and cut up the synthetic genome before it was able to do its stuff.
The reason is that this problem is data-dependent; it'll lurk in the code until it spots just the pattern of data it wants, and then leap out and bite me (I tend to take bugs personally!).
原因是,这个问题是依赖于数据的;它潜伏在代码中,直到碰到它想要的数据形式,然后就跳出来咬我一口(好在我个人比较留意捕捉 bug!)
They also know that dangers lurk in any attempt to renegotiate that system.
And within the petabytes of information it collects may lurk things nobody has even imagined —assuming astronomers can figure out how to teach their computers to look for objects no one has ever seen.
A constant shower of advertising and health warnings orders you to scrub, cleanse or purify every corner of the body, office or home. Bugs lurk at every turn.
We don't want to celebrate anything too soon. Failure and disappointment lurk around every corner.
I'm a stay-at-home mom to twochildren, ages 6 and 4, and I'm happily married to Michael, who is mhall119 forthose who lurk in the Ubuntu IRC channels.
I'm a stay-at-home mom to twochildren, ages 6 and 4, and I'm happily married to Michael, who is mhall119 forthose who lurk in the Ubuntu IRC channels.