Think of the ragged poverty of a language which has to make one word do the work of six — and a poor little weak thing of only three letters at that.
You have probably played the game before where you take a single word and change just one letter to make a different word.
Make sure your brand's DNA speaks to your desired perception and is' messaged 'with clarity which helps your customers understand what ONE word your brand' owns' in the market.
The robots roam their environment, and if one finds itself in an unfamiliar place, it will make up a word to describe it from randomly generated syllables.
We renamed each combo widget to make them easier to distinguish in our source code, and placed a label next to each one with a text word for each option.
One was that speakers frequently make a gaze shift towards a listener just before a nod is given. The other is that they often use the word "and" to generate a responsive nod.
In the case of a word like democracy, not only is there no agreed definition, but the attempt to make one is resisted from all sides.
Artist Rodrigo Piwonka went and did one of those things - those things that epitomize simple, wholesome, good design so much that they make you never want to hear the word "bamboo" again.
艺术家Rodrigo Piwonka做了一件非常简单、健康、设计巧妙以至于让你不再去想“竹”的东西。
Answer those two in one sentence and you will make money. For example, if I wanted to sell Microsoft Word to Notepad users, I would answer the questions like this.
Be concise. Stick to one page. Make sure every word is meaningful.
While there's no official list of phrases - you could even make them up as you go along - the general rule is to replace one word with a two-worded phrase that rhymes with it.
If the golden sun, Should cease to shine its light, just one smile from you, would make my whole word bright.
Carefully write ane-mail message in English, using a dictionary or a Web search every 20 seconds to make sure every word is correct, and taking 5 minutes to write one sentence.
仔细地用英文写一封电子邮件,每20秒使用一本词典或是网络搜寻器以确保每个单词的正确性,然 后用5分钟的时间写一个句子。
We use the word mutually constituted, they work on one another to make the reality re-understand.
But you also get compound split infinitives where more than one word is put between "to" and the verb, for example: If they make me a partner I can expect my salary to more than double.
The secret of doing both lies in the one word SERVICE. Service means doing something so valuable for the customer that he is glad to pay a price that allows us to make a profit.
But here this definition would seem to lose color because some one may make your blood boil at boiling point no one could see the word but blood in your eyes.
You may find it more difficult to make decisions, find the right word, or focus on one job at a time.
It thinks Liushu concludes two respects of topography of Chinese characters: One is the classification, the other is the method to make word in physique of Chinese characters.
The reader who suggested this word was equally eager to make the English language more efficient by blending two words into one.
Domestic and foreign scholars make lots of reach word to solve these problems, and using interval math is one of the important branches.
Will you ponder over a variety of plans without writing one word? or will you make too great a plan to leave enough time for writing?
I send to one cross that I make personally embroider, give you are first good fortune with the letter The word, hope you and your family's life is both full of good fortunes.
Using language vividly helps bring your speech to life. One way (to make your speech vivid)|is through imagery, or the creation of word pictures.
Just one word: you ought to love one person is enough to make you hate to the people.
As not strict diagnostic diction, when cannot make make a definite diagnosis by onefold and video diagnostic technology, often use liver to take an one word.
To answer this type of question, you will have to consider the language of the passage as a whole: it takes more than one pointed critical word to make the tone of an entire passage "critical."
To answer this type of question, you will have to consider the language of the passage as a whole: it takes more than one pointed critical word to make the tone of an entire passage "critical."